Everything we see or seem...Is but a ...Awwww No No NO NO!!!
Everything we see or seem...is not what it seems! (Yes-Gps)
0 as Output & The Big O were dancing in a Tree -> K-X-X-X-X-X-G
Story with pictures and words,
Crystallized & Pixellized
"It is time"
My dear, who stole the meaning this time around?
And what about :Codename: "Brutal Russian"? (A WiFi network with PassWord!)
New Version of True Love is OUT!
Partners in Crime, Punishment 4 Pleasure and other Flavas. Help!
I always knew I'm but living in a dream.
Cookie Secrets. Tasty (With hints of Gingerbread), but I wanted the dark one instead. 💧
One of those instances when I just have to take my phone out for a pic :D (Buda de la judecatorie).
Troll love.
Imma 🔥🐈!
Strange days have found us
Strange days have tracked us down
They're going to destroy our casual joys
We shall go on playing or find a new town
Moon-stone, silver, sunlight, fingers, snake, lacquered nails ~ Transparency ~ #Beauty with Blood underneath the skin, loving everything Real to the bone. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X9bOsdHckhg ♥U *Flares up*
"Privitorul" • She doesn't have a face • He's missing something in his head. Who are they? (#Coffee #Milk #Bucks #Natural #Art) Is he aware of the Handler, hidden in the Foreground (This one looks female2) ? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vMPR6Ujop4k Maybe he's not missing anything in his head, he's just suffering from Bad Programming. (Caught in a bad romance).
Infiltrated all throughout our (fabricated)* History! *Sad But True.
Hmpf! This is painful! And wrong on so many LVLs. The fact that some "laugh" about it, as if it's just a cosmic joke, infuriates me. Like breeding bacteria. All the way to... 💔💀
(I love Skulls - See the song above). But hear me out, they look different!) #Russkismile. Mars needs women. 🍫Bits, are you out of your mind? -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w9gOQgfPW4Y Spot the differences,,, 💔
Whole(:sum) or Miss'Ing half a #measure?
Grateful for this wonderful gift(sSs)!♥
Many eyes. Love-Handle It*!
(*) Get out of my asshole! + Also, I did not request a voice over this time. Thank you for understanding!
And stop trusting blindly, running around in circles with your o.O s poked out. Bloody hell!
She's thinking... Hoping... To understand... True nature of choice... Cui pe cUI se scoate. Da. Traim intr-un sistem de operare. Undeva, intr-un lichid indefinibil prin cuvinte dulci, dormim... Pentru unii, este somnul cel de moarte. (Sperante false din volumul "Pe cine nu lasi sa moara,nu te lasa sa traiesti"). Pentru altii, dovada ca nu au primit ce li s-a promis. (Majoritatea inca aduna dovezi desi o au pe "Cea mare"). Prinsi sau desculti, cu totii parca selectam prin Clickuri lungi sau scurte o succesiune de vise... Dar pana si chestia asta face parte din iluzia "Celor care ne-au promis".
Picture a hot nurse dressed in white,red,transparent, black, dark green latex, spider legs, ballerina Fetish boots, Detached hands due to too much "Playing the small violin" kept close by Ethereal blue white cyan light. Painful to see. Eyes closed. You open them. Blurry vision. Steampunk syringe. Biiiiig syringe. Juicy red lips. Purple lips. Dead lips. You look like Max Paine for a while. Before you realize what's happening, you drift off the road once more. SO fucking painful!
Uhum. Cate doze precis administrate au dus la aceasta perturbare de mecanism interior?
And whose fucking dream is this?
With love,
pe curand! Secure salutations from Scrotinia ;)
scru•ti•ny skroo͞t′n-ē
- n.Close, careful examination or observation.
- n.Close investigation or examination; minute inquiry; critical examination.
- n.Specifically
More at Wordnik from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.
"Unlike most other I/O interfaces, such as USB, Firewire, and the previous dock connector, the Lightning connector is reversible. The connection is fully symmetrical and the connector can be inserted either way into a Lightning port. This means it is impossible to insert the cable upside down, which makes it easier to plug in and reduces wear and tear on the interface. The order of the pins are recognized dynamically by the device when the connection is made, allowing power and data to flow through the correct channels."
Definition from The Tech Terms Dictionary