2 Mar 2021

Articol nou grabit

Vroiam sa pun astea alta data intr-un articol altfel.

Live stream with talking, masturbating 3 orgasms and more talking ~ https://youtu.be/kfetZCNuZDs Thank you for whatevering with me.

25.02.21 Am fost la posta azi. Au sosit bilele anale comandate de pe AliExpress in Octombrie 20. Intr-un plic fara nici o data, stampila cu data, etc. Nu stiu ce o sa fac cu ele, lol. Cand eram adolescenta am citit ca se introduc in (*) si daca le tragi afara incet cand ai orgasm, e ceva foarte placut. :/

Din jurnal: Am visat ciudat – like a roleplay with characters I didn’t rly like/care about ~ bla bla… Inainte sa adorm ma tot gandeam “If I love you, that’s not self love”. [Explicatie: If I love someone, that does’t mean that that person loves themselves.]* Am vazut mecanisme cu chestii din sticla, ca niste capsule mici, cilindrice, in jurul carora erau infasurate sarme arginii la capete (nu stiu din ce material erau facute chestiile alea, dar aratau interesant, o miscare omogena, nu stiu la ce erau folosite). Erau multe prinse de ceva, aratau aproape ca niste petale… Cand m-am trezit am avut un gand, cum ca sunt proscrisa din cauza ca am avut orgasm. Dar nu am inteles la despre care era vorba… Primul? Sau cand vorbeam cu cineva?? Nu m-am masturbat niciodata “real time” cu cineva de pe net. Cand David era in baie si eu la Stefan, ne-am scris pe messenger dar nu interactionam cand ma masturbam, decat pe alocuri. Si nu ma gandeam la el… L Floating si “trebuia sa ajung la orgasm”. Thunder. Ce legatura are cu cainii si orgasmele mele? Eh. Nu pot sa ma gandesc prea aprofundat la asta… Tentativa de pain si noise.

Azi timpul trece prea repede. De ce?

Am fost pe afara. La intoarcere urcam scarile si am simtit atmosfera de coafor de cand eram copil. WTF J


*Una din greselile mele, pa care nu le inteleg indeajuns din cauza ca ???  Smth to do with AI and or numbers.  


https://occultpriestess.wordpress.com/2019/08/23/creative-differences/ - Love Her Blog ~ Found inspiration to understand myself better. Very grateful.

This passage speaks to me a lot:

“Then & Now Comparison:

In the past, when I met someone new that I enjoyed, I would paint on them. I am a highly creative soul, with piercing perception, who ‘quantifies data’ of subconscious and super-conscious awareness, at lightning speed. Trauma in my childhood, developed me into a psychic wonder woman. When listening to someones “Story” or autobiographical narrative, I would be ‘busy’ taking note, of flaws and background issues of origin, while AIR BRUSHING their short comings. At the same time, I was open and observing, for I was genuine in my friendships- However I was not Quiet, and I forgave their flaws even if they made this person Completely Incompatible with my Morals. This was a DEEP FAKE of the SELF. (lol) I would Listen to them, and PERFECT Them in real time, and before my Perception, a real Dog could become a fabricated Prince. I ARTED PEOPLE!

I decorated strangers with Ideal love. I airbrushed their flaws, I was in denial.” GUILTY! I do not understand the Quiet part though.





24 Feb 2021

Do I really have to do it again?

It's like being intimate with someone that you don't like, that's why I'm sad.

for me it's only a nightmare,

*(This is not a tentative to be proud of Romanian language or anything, just something meaningless and quirky, I hate Romanian more than probably any other language because it's made to allow MASSCONFUSUON Amplified)

I don't care that you're a 'm' ~ I never ate a full meal but I'm not that unevolved to be happy just because me L F can interact with a M and oh look I got the feelies again feels like making love now show me what you want me to think about and I'll pretend I'm ok with that in RL knowing you don't understand anyway. No, I never wanted to be a lolologist / sexy teacher / bla bla I was born to live, no? Ha! I wanted to earn a living, in my own way, adapted after what I saw in the world around me.
Not one friend or one I sniff Correct. (In Full Version. I wouldn't mind having friends that are/have versions ~!= be a project!~, but I don't want that in a mate!)

Sick of pleasing losers. (Wasting time makes us losers too, no?~ Your whole life is a waste of time. Some people actually find inner delight hearing this. Others are afraid to admit what that really means ~ I'm too nub to see anyway)

Cui i-am dat, de fapt, orgasmele pe care le-am pus pe siteul asta de cacat pe  care imi e sila sa ma loghez ca sa ''muncesc''?

Macar atat merit sa stiu.

Daca i-as vedea fatza
Poate m-as simti si mai oribil
Dar poate mi-ar veni idei noi
Ca sa pot supravietui altfel cosmarului asta.


Earnings from services provided via Internet. ~ Adica copiii luati in fiecare luna? :)


Deci despre asta este viata.

Chiar ca nu mai am ce sa fac aici

Sa ma masturbez imaginandu-mi porn deja imaginat, ca sa CE?!

Da alea care ''raman'' (insarcinate) ce fac cu copii lor, ca nu-s aia de-i vad eu pe strada/ la TV/ prin reviste, etc aratand ca niste costume de carne mici.


Chemarea e altceva

O invitatie folosita prost. FFFacilitezi Nimicul... Self expression? :)

M-am saturat sa ma tratezi ca pe o proasta, proasta tuturor... Sincer. Nu merit asta. Indiferent de initiala sau poveste. Ei tot cer si atat... Cer si nimic... Eu nici macar nu stiu ce cui dau... E cineva care respira doar cand eu am ganduri negative despre anumite body parts. Blame G however you wish 4 this, nu se intampla nimic. E ceva gen.. Ok... Bun.. Am identificat. Nimic nu se intampla. 

I hate this song: 

No amount of 'children juice' can help me cope with the nonsense I've been subjected to 
Spune-le ca traiesc degeaba! {Tell them they're living for naught ~ because this can sound at least 3 different ways ~ lol ~ Eu traiesc, ei traiesc, la ei poate fi folosit de asemenea in 2 moduri. /paranoia.)

Nu eu trebuie sa invat sa vad lumea ca voi.

Nu vreau sa mai fim impreuna (ce inseamna pentru mine).




Nu se intampla nimic!

Apoi vine la radio: "I can't stop loving you" si simt repulsie. Neplacere. Aud versurile si simt doar lipsa alegerii mele. Nu vocea sincera a unui tip sincer cu un mesaj sincer de transmis MIE. (The whole of me).

Imi e scarba de tot.

Worlds collide...

I don't want to collide with anyone for a while..

Need some time for myself, you know, totally not in a selfish way.



Nu, nu sunt comfortabila cu postarea pozelor de genul asta pe net (cu mine). 
Ce conteaza ce imi place si ce nu.

Cheltui habar-n-am-ce sa vezi cum reactionez eu la diverse chestii
Ce idiotenie stupida.

Si de acrobatii sunt satula. Din decembrie 2020 si pana acum, wow, e ceva, cand ma gandesc ca inainte 1 an juma+ am stat ...altfel...

Fix ce  nu-mi arati e ce vreau sa vad!
{Am nevoie, ca sa inteleg, ca sa traiesc - cu sens, nu ce vor altii, eu nu-s facuta pentru asta, n-am dovada, n-ai nevoie oricum. E doar ego acolo si nu vreau sa invat despre egoul tau nehealuit :). Al meu e prea tare si n-am ce face cu el si pt mine nu e despre ce e pentru tine. De asemenea, nu e vina mea. Altfel spus, tot ce m-ai invatat in viata asta a fost degeaba. Multumesc!}.


Daca tot ce fac e o pierdere de timp...
De ce simti ceva rau cand 'ma lungesc' cu executia anumitor chestii?
Ma doare.
Si oricum, nu pe tine te vreau. Nu esti tu cel pe care il vreau, cu care as vrea sa fiu, chiar e nevoie sa mai reformulez mult? Poti sa (ai putea sa~) fi oricine, si tot nu te vreau, si tot nu intelegi? #deathtoai

(Don't be scared now, Grow up!)

Deci nu vreau sa fac chestiile alea pentru tine. You'll never make it right (/encouragement).

Cand s-a facut 6 juma ... 


rsrch hnts:
It's a CON-spREE-ra-Key ;)

E usor sa uiti sa pierzi.

-and everyone I talk to is either against me, or on their way-

Every Day Is Exactly The Same
I can feel their eyes are watching

In case I lose myself again

Sometimes I think I'm happy here

Sometimes, yet I still pretend


Eu nu vreau sa fiu niciodata o pagina goala pentru nimeni.. Nici nu am cum. De ce trebuie sa stau de vorba cu pagini goale, si apoi, ghici ce, tot pe mine ma doare, indiferent ce fac, draga G? Ce conteaza ce simt ei, oricum uita repede, nu? Hahahaha. Eu traiesc in fiecare secunda. Habar nu am ce inseamna asta cu adevarat, si asta doare :D

23 Feb 2021

Articol nou

 Cand m-am trezit azi am facut update la softul din tel, am trecut la MIUI 12 ~ Am vazut si niste chestii noi, 'floating windows'.

Intru pe site de stiri, gasesc asta: https://alephnews.ro/guvern/zeci-de-sicrie-plutesc-pe-marea-mediterana-dupa-ce-s-a-surpat-o-stanca-pe-care-se-afla-un-cimitir-in-italia/


On the streets where you live
girls talk about their social lives.
They're made of lipstick, plastic and paint
a touch of sable in their eyes.

(All your life) all your life all you've asked
is when's your daddy gonna talk to you.
But you were living in another world
tryin' to get your message through.

No one heard a single word you said.
They should have seen it in your eyes
What was going around your head.

Ooh, she's a little runaway.
Daddy's girl learned fast
All those things he couldn't say.
Ooh, she's a little runaway.

Different line every night
guaranteed to blow your mind
I see you out on the streets
calling for a wild time.

So you sit home alone
'cause there's nothing left that you can do.
There's only pictures hung in the shadows left there to look at you.

You know she likes the lights at nights
on the neon Broadway signs.
She don't really mind
it's only love she hoped to find.

Ooh, she's a little runaway.
Daddy's girl learned fast
All those things he couldn't say.
Ooh, she's a little runaway.

No one heard a single word you said.
They should have seen it in your eyes
What was going around your head.

Fragmente din jurnal:
As soon as I try to start to think abt smth, yes, even integrating keywords (fantasy?) I get inundata (inundatie = flood)  by images / faces / smth that I feel someone else puts in my head :( 
I'm sure it's not me/my ideas/thoughts/desires. Weird links - not mine, since I don't agree with stupid.


Where are the ones that I feel?


Acum un an


Azi noapte ~