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Latest Orgasm Video hEre: ~ lol
Arhiva (?) cu chestii: Aici. Click. Da, da. Linkul e: ~ lol
Am uploadat videoclipurile cu ce am streamuit (Pe Twitch, Prin aplicatia Streamlabs de pe tel ;) )
Le gasiti in playlistul asta:
Sincer, as putea foarte usor sa pun LALALALALA
cand pun un link dar am intampinat (LOL - a intampina is like 'to greet' in ROmanian) niste ciudatenii in ultima vreme si incerc pe cat posibil sa vorbesc inteligibil online...
Ok... Trebuie sa le studiez si eu mai aprofundat deoarece ultima astfel de 'sesiune' de streamuit si clipuit... S-a lasat cu niste revelatii ciudate pentru mine... Legate de 4D, electircitate, viteza, medii de procesare, etc. [ aici link: ] ••• LOL - Legate = related ~ Tied to...& MORE. WTF. Cand ma uit pe YouTube cu Speed la 0.25, se aude cumva, dar nu cum ar fi trebuie sa se auda. Nu stiu cum sa explic. E din cauza internetului / pentru ca - din cauza ca (k) Stream ;). Ceva de genul. (Gen ~ ha!! so genul = 'something like this' in Romanian. also, Gender ). Particularitas!
Voi scrie mai pe larg dupa ce ma uit si la cele de ieri.
Pana una alta, asta e lumea in care traiesc:
Somebody thinks it's a tab.
(Please don't misinterpret here, look it up for yourselves, what's written on the pack of pads ~ )
Yes. This is the world I live in. Do you have any idea how much it hurts? DODODODODOD
+ altceva ~
A #bugs #life :
More from the world I live in ~
"FUnny" NOTFUN on a daily basis. (Basis ~ lol ~ Chemistry class anyone?)
We got class in here ;) 😏
Thanks for letting me know, emojipedia dot org.
"Appearance differs greatly cross-platform. Use with caution"
Free market? Stop putting ads in my head.
lil podcast link:
Some Conclusions from last podcast:
Thanks for participating in this blog :)