Showing posts with label Food. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Food. Show all posts

18 Dec 2020

Cooking with Laura

 Small sequence.

Reteta personala - CIORBA.

Varianta: cu pui si smantana.

Ingrediente: 4 chicken wings, 2 onions, cooking oil(I used sunflower), turmeric, seasoning, Himalayan salt, Borsch (1L), 1 cup cream (20%fat), 4 potatoes, handful of fresh parsley, 

Timp de preparare: Necontorizat. {>60% a good time }

Am calit ceapa in putin ulei, am pus si niste turmeric, apoi am adaugat apa, aripioare de pui si baza pentru mancaruri cu legume deshidratate.

\/\/\/\/\/\/ Morcovii


Pozez ingrediente

In timp ce gateam am baut ceai de macese - f bun.

Dupa ~ o ora si jumatate, am decis ca e momentul bun sa scot carnea

Am adaugat restul ingredientelor si patrunjelul proaspat taiat

Am lasat carnea la racit



Am dezosat si maruntit carnea, apoi am adaugat-o la ciorba.


Am adaugat smantana.

I'm not crazy, I just like art.

Am omogenizat

Am descoperit ce se afla in spatele frigiderului din bucataria asta:

Si cat curent am consumat in mai putin de o luna (aaaaa ~ 50) WTF.
Cei din familia mea {costumele de carne(?)} ii ziceau "Lumina".
E masurat consumul de curent electric.
Pe factura scrie: Energie electrica.
In biserica am vazut teancuri cu Ziarul Lumina.

I'm confused.

Care apa?
Si ce legatura au toate astea cu 'faptul' ca sunt eu parcata. (?)
O aparenta ciudata.
Sigur e ceva aiurea, dar atat de usor de descifrat, daca...

Almost done


Rezultatul final

Foarte buna ciorba,

{Eu prefer ciorba cu putin mai putina grasime, dar e buna si asa, mai ales pe vremea asta ;)}


Be well

Happy Holidays 

[What do holidays mean for you, anyway? ;)]

Time off 'job'?




But you're...

Oh wait..

You never mentioned...

You can but

There's something else.




27 Sept 2020

Weird headachE

Not allowed to take a screenshot so I took a picture. Started watching this on Netflix. Ghost in the Shell SAC_2045 ~ found this interesting 'no noise no life' because of what I've been led to believe lately... Also, translation seems off. (both the Japanese & Romanian ones)

In my context, noise ["Every sound hurts"], like I've been talking a bit about it, still makes no sense to me but, I hear {sensory manipulation - Nightmare}, a REaction is encouraged[forced] (in MY OWN MIND! ~ by external sources ~ certain sequences activated against my will & maybe others' too.) then I 'Emit' something that I'd label as 'bad' ~ that is 'food' for the ones that are used to make my reality seem the way it does, over and over again. I don't know how to put this in better words now, irrelevant, anyway. I've heard (felt) that this is already a known thing. I tried various pathways and I always seem to reach similar deadends ~ I have no Control, or real choice, when it comes to these circumstances. It's very bothersome, stinks of Bad Design. THIS IS NO LIFE. [Inverted somethings; Ooooo, Shiny, I hear Junkrat's voice in my head].

Interesting article:

Do I want to learn more about this? Not really. Regardless of our good intent, somebody keeps on making bad choices for us, and quantumify 'Time' to their 'advantage', which, is nothing like this, really. A weird mechanism.


Heard this song playing in my head, but I heard the lyrics as: 'Crucify my heart' ~ instead of ourselves/myself.

Every finger in the room was pointing at me, I wanna spit
In their faces then I get afraid of what that could bring
I got a bowling ball in my stomach, I got a desert in my mouth
Figures that my courage would choose to sell out now

I've been looking for a savior in these dirty streets
Looking for a savior beneath these dirty sheets
I've been raising up my hands drive another nail in
Just what God needs one more victim

Why do we crucify ourselves?
Everyday I crucify myself
And nothing I do is good enough for you
I crucify myself

Everyday I crucify myself
And my heart is sick of being
I said, "My heart is sick of being in
Chains, chains"

Got a kick for a dog begging for love
I gotta I have my suffering so that I can have my cross
I know a cat named Easter, he says, "Will you ever learn
You're just an empty cage girl if you kill the bird"

I've been looking for a savior in these dirty streets
Looking for a savior beneath these dirty sheets
I've been raising up my hands, drive another nail in
Got enough guilt to start my own religion

Why do we crucify ourselves?
Every day I crucify myself
And nothing I do is good enough for you
Crucify myself

Every day I crucify myself
And my heart is sick of being
I said, "My heart is sick of being in
Chains, chains"

Please save me, I cry

Looking for a savior in these dirty streets
Looking for a savior beneath these dirty sheets
I've been raising up my hands, drive another nail in
Where're those Angels when you need them?

Why do we crucify ourselves?
Every day I crucify myself
And nothing I do is good enough for you
Crucify myself

Every day I crucify myself
And my heart is sick of being
I said, "My heart is sick of being in
Chains, chains"

Why do we crucify ourselves?
Why do we crucify ourselves?
Why do we crucify ourselves?
Why do we crucify ourselves?
Why do we crucify ourselves?
Why do we crucify ourselves?

Every day


The sun  from my window today ~ Last night, the sky was so interesting, different, "shiny" ~ I feel that I could almost touch it. Big clouds down low, moving SO fast, that seemed to make the sky look 'lit'. A rare view for me.. 

18 Jul 2020

I am not looking forward to

I am not looking forward to getting my period again.

Talking is orgasm for some? I don't understand.

It's because of the settings. Of course. We're all OFF (the good) course though, and that's why I've been so sad.

13 Jun 2020

BREAKING: ~~~ waves of ...? ~~~

Caption? }Add caption{

So, somebody told me (Psychicly?) ~ remove Orgasm, remove Anal, remove 5AA (see thingie in one of my recent streams, here: ~ Not sure what he/she/they meant though, as all these things have different meanings for all of us apparently, even if for me they mainly mean only one thing. And I'm also not into #Politics. 

Latest Orgasm Video hEre: ~ lol 



Am uploadat videoclipurile cu ce am streamuit (Pe Twitch, Prin aplicatia Streamlabs de pe tel ;) ) 

Sincer, as putea foarte usor sa pun LALALALALA

cand pun un link dar am intampinat (LOL - a intampina is like 'to greet' in ROmanian) niste ciudatenii in ultima vreme si incerc pe cat posibil sa vorbesc inteligibil online...

Ok... Trebuie sa le studiez si eu mai aprofundat deoarece ultima astfel de 'sesiune' de streamuit si clipuit... S-a lasat cu niste revelatii ciudate pentru mine... Legate de 4D, electircitate, viteza, medii de procesare, etc. [ aici link: ] ••• LOL - Legate = related ~ Tied to...& MORE. WTF. Cand ma uit pe YouTube cu Speed la 0.25, se aude cumva, dar nu cum ar fi trebuie sa se auda. Nu stiu cum sa explic. E din cauza internetului / pentru ca - din cauza ca (k) Stream ;). Ceva de genul. (Gen ~ ha!! so genul = 'something like this' in Romanian. also, Gender ). Particularitas!


 Voi scrie mai pe larg dupa ce ma uit si la cele de ieri.

Pana una alta, asta e lumea in care traiesc: 

Somebody thinks it's a tab.

 (Please don't misinterpret here, look it up for yourselves, what's written on the pack of pads ~ )
Yes. This is the world I live in. Do you have any idea how much it hurts? DODODODODOD

+ altceva ~ 
 A #bugs #life :

More from the world I live in ~ 


"FUnny" NOTFUN on a daily basis. (Basis ~ lol ~  Chemistry class anyone?)

We got class in here ;) πŸ˜


Thanks for letting me know, emojipedia dot org.
"Appearance differs greatly cross-platform. Use with caution"
Free market? Stop putting ads in my head.


Some Conclusions from last podcast:

Thanks for participating in this blog :)


19 May 2020

Latest development in advanced schematics for leaving this planet #idontwanttobehereanymore

18. I'm legal. I danced with a .gif for the first time in my life & more!!! ♥♥♥
• Paste in plain text vs. Paste -> Robots
• Time management guy - vulva - food (eating meals/day)
• Something about .gif & how I perceive ALL reality (view) •••
• Passwords? squaresymbol ?

• Cars (Robots?) See ♥ as | 


72 ( Solomon shit - Xtians) can't make 3D 4some. Stuck in 2D -> Big - small [How did this get to tits & all, inca nu inteleg. Dar nu ma depaseste! Cuvinte... Eu zborrrr!] ♥ | 2U2!

• The guy that told me ca am "Fata de Paris" (face not girl~) also ~ "Looking back over my shoulder / I can see that look in your eye" ~ Sounds like an Ex but we were never together. Halp? 

• "Data" guy - he forgot smth while writing important code (indian accent - Truth or Spy?) Loading *hypno_spiral_here*  Gets continuously hypnotized. The "Fake" The Now. Ok. Thank you. (He can make himself understood) Victim of much bullying though - especially by weirdo "Stupid" 1 button guy) Every-Kaa! ♥ Shit! Juicy detail right here: When the "Data" guy finally understands something (♥) he also begins to overwrite data* ( Replacing instead of copying schematic?) -> Mother Russia pain. Why? * -> He could show us all more truth if the one button guy / bullies would tone it the fuck down. I protect. **Or saying it in different "File" 100% Non Conflictual (Possible? Yes). I hear the "Law Guys" being eecky now - dunno why. Eh. Bad design (stuck in)

So this is what sort of files are piled on Commander Sheppard's desk. Need coffee 2* now. Aaaaaaa!

* Keep both versions -> much conflict
                                       -> delete 1 -> #pain
OK OK | I get it now

Thank you! Perfecting the art of being the pure embodiment of facepalm emoji. 


So this is how depression tastes like fore some of you. Even Patreon - AI - Karens - Not real girls (also, quite stupid!) - We know how to shut it down but we don't know why ( mass hypnosis by fake whamen). Aaaa. Pls, I want a party without Karens. I can speak cat too. New Tab - more Time & how the parasite still thrives. Yes. I will re right the script. Some can't Let Go because of their uniforms [they are also not aware they are wearing uniforms] (cloth). Fake fucking bread. 

From here onwards I wrote with pencil 

More news from the brainwash facility: Bird that can't fly is the only bird specimen that #officially is allowed to teach us what it means to - insert_anything_here -> Much CONFlict (Cults). Lies & Stupidity. Mislabelled as smart by dudes like 1 button guy. (he sounds Christian - ouch) So even he would see the truth told by NOTCRAZYGUY (Dinosaur - I'm not a girl, either) -> *hypno_spiral_here* Aaaaa. I'm happy to report that even 1 button guy thinks I'm better than "Her". Kill it! Kill it with fire! [Over me~water]


*                             *           *

*    * 

          *                      *                                    *     *       * 

- You can't break her heart 4 she doesn't have any -
No real woman sees her children as potential customers ( A REAL BIRB told me)
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