28 Feb 2020


पतंगमक्तमसुरस्य मायया हृदा पश्यन्ति मनसा विपश्चितः ।
समुद्रे अन्तः कवयो वि चक्षते मरीचीनां पदमिच्छन्ति वेधसः ॥१॥
पतंगो वाचं मनसा बिभर्ति तां गन्धर्वोऽवदद्गर्भे अन्तः ।
तां द्योतमानां स्वर्यं मनीषामृतस्य पदे कवयो नि पान्ति ॥२॥
अपश्यं गोपामनिपद्यमानमा च परा च पथिभिश्चरन्तम् ।
स सध्रीचीः स विषूचीर्वसान आ वरीवर्ति भुवनेष्वन्तः ॥३॥




💕4RealFriends. They couldn't be afraid. They know why. Thank you!

27 Feb 2020




Jurnalul spune asa:

What is real anymore, my dear, this "reality" begins to smell more and more like a directed collective dream? Who are the dancers, who are the actors? And where's my place in all this mess if I don't want to act, and if I'd only dance with myself and who I Love? I drown In "pain". Gloomy sunday mood.

My heart is tellin' you

How much I wanted you

Sleep paralysis  x2 layers. I awoke from one into another. 
1. Shadow man approaching bed, I felt scared for a little while, then I realized it's such an experience & I tried to raise to hug him.
2. Woke up in this room, big thick paper With writing in caps was hanging from the furniture. Fontul era f similar cu Cylonic (Empty font). Habar n-am dc dar instant m-am gandit la cele 10 porunci din piatra (???) + Moise. I wanted to approach and read, but felt like suffocating. I Raised left pointer finger, commanded the entity to leave me alone. 
And I finally awoke in this reality. Before all this happened, I was researching, I suppose that was taken over. 
Drama, dansul aparentelor, cacat. Nu, multumesc! I feel that I'm surrounded by somebody's toys.
Not at all what it seems, or what was meant by design! Careful there, missy! You better watch out for your word selection, or else... Taxmasters galore. No real love. Sorry please, if offensive to any of you or too egoic. But try to walk bare footed for a while (metaphor!).
If all we are is just a mixture of settings, can you please be so kind to let me know where do I hit shutdown?

Evil manages Time like there's no 2Morrow. (A lie within a lie x ?)



ABout life & Lies.

Milk and toast and honey make it sunny on a rainy Saturday, he-he-hey
Milk and toast, some coffee take the stuffiness out of days you hate, you really hate
Slow morning news pass me by
I try not to analyze but didn't he blow my mind this time
Didn't he blow my mind?

(Here he comes)
To bring a little lovin', honey
To take away the hurt inside
Is everything that matters to me
Is everything I want in life

Milk and toast and honey
Ain't it funny how things sometimes look so clear and feel so near
The dreams I dream, my favourite wishful thinkin'
Oh, he's bookmarked everywhere, everywhere
True love might fall from the sky
You never know what to find but didn't he blow my mind this time
Didn't he blow my mind?

(Here he comes)
To bring a little lovin', honey
To take away the pain inside
Is everything that matters to me
Is everything I want from life

Oh lay a little lovin', honey
To feel you're gettin' close to me
Is everything that matters to me
Is everywhere I wanna be


:-< Is there anybody out there? Asking for a friend.

25 Feb 2020


My babyyy:


My other baby (Here you can see deformed finger -_-) :

My other babyy (Hard to spot? :p):

Preening & posing:

Legs, feet: 

Morning kitchenwindow view:

Ayy those eyes #transformativefilter



O poveste:

20 Feb 2020

February 20, 2020

The explosion of sounds and segmented images was so powerful that it pushed him out of the safe zone, spilling his liquid gaze into a myriad of mirrored memories. 

17 Feb 2020


Instead of white on black
I saw text like that
Today while outside 
Sunlight hitting from 10 o'clock or so...
Felt eerie...

