*** Nu ma incapatanez :-< ~
"Tastes like home, feels like home" ~ Faptul ca imi place la atingere un ambalaj/ceva, nu e hrana :(
Oricine poate sa faca chestiile astea: https://foundation.app/@jkobrinart (e doar un exemplu).
Cine pm considera o binecuvantare cand il injur?
"Efect juridic
Denumire generica data consecintelor produse in viata de relatie de faptele juridice (in sens restrans) si de actele juridice care, in limitele si in conditiile prevazute de lege, se bucura de eficacitate."
~ ROFL. La asemenea cuvinte(relatie, se bucura) cum sa respect? Un nou motiv sa fiu parcata? Hell no! Nu aprob. Motiv 1. Sunt mai mici decat mine. Motiv 2-n ~ nici ca mai conteaza. *sigh*
It's not Bjork's face... Or the trans youtuber with pastel hair I was watching at some point... I get clues I don't understand about a Feature: eyes more far apart ~ Dunno what that means/confused. Berly inspired that to me too.
Dreamt someone telling me they should plant a cherry tree, as if it was about something they learned from me. Didn't really understand.
Thinking about past/past relationships/ what some things meanthow to learn/mental sim with the purpose of learning, I thought "I could run such a thing" ~ saw this pic then. l iked it. Not related to the topic but beautiful.
Imagine someone abusive saying that... (words on picture).

Oh, don't imagine that..naaaaaahhh!
No tengo ningún hermano.
Not in fantasy nor dream nor this reality(mine) & if in another's 'reality' I have a brother, what does that say about me/that person?
Something simple indeed...
WTF can a saint do with money? It's not the act of renounciation (?) -_- Payment for something that someone desires? (context: beginning of S03E01 Breaking Bad). ~ Thought: "That's not a saint". What's wrong with traditions? If "It strengthens the will"; legends; stories; nice to watch like a movie. But! ....
*Feed* What do you feed who taught you who to feed and how.
I shouldnt be in pain for wanting to understand traditions that I don't follow (~ other than my own but I follow no tradition | | | & I'm sometimes sad because of that because of unused devotion - maybe bad choice of words for what I wanted to say...).
I only want a ghost if it's holy. ~
"Now stop acting like you can actually smell with that nose"
I always wanted to 'fangirl' over a char, not even Viktor was that though, I rly liked his extra hand and his staff. Why didn't I find a char to rly fangirl over yet though? I'd have one more thing to think about :)
Maybe inspiration to do artsy stuff
Fantasies? I don't understand what those are anyway no? =) & I want to limit improper word usage (misunderstood)
What happened when I was masturbating thinking bout characters & whatever - desperation (I have to get there - O) & (a sort of) shame (there are many ppl looking into my mind as I do this I don't even know who they are I dont like smth about this I dont know what to do, who do I please anyway, etc).
Happy Holidays!
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