8.12. Almost 5 AM! Had the weirdest dream !Whoa! "woke up" in the dream being fucked (spoon) by a guy that was asleep. He seemed older than me & there was smth unpleasant about him. His dick was penetrating me weirdly, as if his body wasn't even moving. V fast fucking & it felt so odd. "like the best sex that's also the worst" - A RAPE! I felt raped. However, I thought... Hey, it's for a reason... So I started visualizing (similar to what I do when I masturbate). I saw his dick as a fabric, with 4 corners coming close to the middle... The feeling was extatic … And it's not that I didn't allow myself to enjoy it... But... I felt raped (???).... So a dream within a dream (within a dream) I screamed... And stopped that thing. He woke up & morphed into smth more familiar... We got out...
Opened it to reveal a beautiful, wonderful dress... Silvery with shiny snowflakes. I couldn't wait to try it on [Lol]
•Woke up weird / stupefied, but had a feeling of love when I thought about that dress. Like a message of sorts. What could it be? In this dream... I felt invaded. On one hand... Someone (if only I knew WHO) was trying to tell me something; but also invaded by creeps & their opinions on sex & pleasure; Something weirdly wrong... If only I knew what... A most dubious dream ♥♥♥
Afara ninge frumos...
in the p.m. Sunt suparata. De prea multe oriam auzit clar cum ticaiturile ceasului sunt mai rapide decat ar trebui. Nu stiu de ce (nu cred ca vreau sa stiu) dar sunt sigura ca are ceva de-a face cu "mine" [viata], Matilda, + alte dubiosenii.
Mac-Mac, sau Quack-quack
View from balcony.
What was I thinking?
My oh my do you wanna say goodbye?
To half the Kingdom, baby, tell me why?
My oh my do you wanna say goodbye?
To rule a country, baby, you and I?
So sad... Just lies... And so little in between... Hidden... By whom? From who? Till when?
Mai da-mi putin timp...
Dar eu nu stiu cum sa fac asta(?)
Sa traiesc in zadar inseamna ca iti dau tie timp?
Cine esti tu, oricum.
Si cum sa te respect, cand totul e ascuns stupid...
Nu pot sa fac nimic cu adevarat.
Si tot ce fac e degeaba..
💋 - Oh, ce ti-as face.
Sa te prind n-am cum, caci nu sunt intinderi carora sa la mai zic "Drum"...