5 Dec 2020



Ochi imi zambesc din umbra

~ A guy mentioned this place where I go to for interesting affordable book finds even before I found it. Again, makes me wonder about time, space and how certain people talk around me / what I hear.

Thank you for this wonderful Instagram combobulation.

Am privit..

Am ascultat..

Am visat ca sunt si eu asa.


In days like these, I keep thinking how the brainwash [!Education! with "] I've been subjected to is thicker than I know or can see. Hands...Hands...What are hands... What do they mean for... Wait, WHO are they?... I don't want to disrespect or improperly categorize; Oh, you do not wish to be categorized, but look, how we communicate through words, here, so... Something does that to us already... What's between my hands? What's a pinch, cause I can make myself feel some more or less pleasant ones... Every time I chat with friendly peeps online as of late, I keep feeling how THEY KNOW SOMETHING I DON'T and at the same time we're clueless on both sides about certain things...
A...hand...? ..H...How?
When I drew that, I thought about a sort of separation, something that has to do with M/F stuff. Not able to really kiss. (Makes me sad).


4.12. *2nd time I go to the park and 'lose' a feather.
Gasesc produsul cautat la produse care nu erau nici ele pe lista - Thanks! 
-so weird- HA!
Fac prima supa de cand m-am mutat aici. Ma simt cam aiurea,din cauza ca... Bla bla... Ce-o sa fac mai incolo... Alte chestii imi plac. Nice book finds, again. Last night before falling asleep I was speaking (sleeping) in my mind and I felt listened [to]. Understood? I'm not sure. Today somebody without a body told me through a line in a book I was looking @ that... He (?) told me more about himself than he wanted to. ??? Hello, Mr. I'm still clueless. Tongues - Missunderstandments - The nothingness continues. {Why do I feel the ticking of the clock louder sometimes?}
Oh, hat is it? How should I interpret "the feels"? I still don't know...Enjoy... ENJOI... OI!!!

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