12 Jan 2021


Not blaming anyone (t).
MAYBE, Maybe, shills should stay out of areas of expertise where they are not GOOD for.

I am consistent, for a very long time, in various things, with results RERERERERERERERERE that don't prove anything, because this is not how Life works like.

At this point, I'm not sure it's healthy to care what you heard about me. 
The more layers I browse through, the more of the TRAUMA I've been subjected to I understand. I can't even have a fucking 'day off' to HEAL, because nobody has the balls to speak the truth for all 'COmmunity' to see ~ We wouldn't be like this, now. Stop pretending.  Nu e despre bani. 

Nu vreau sa mai aud nimic...Vreau o pauza... Nimeni nu vorbeste... Totul e impotriva mea... Tot ce spun/selecteaza astia e ce nu am/ce nu am facut in |-| respectiva. I don't get a job because I'm too good & they can't power up places for me (NOT my fault! - Nu exista oferta reala). Also, all jobs are FAKE. You are lied to, si NIMENI NU FACE NIMIC ORICUM.

Deci ce facem?


Am asteptat destul TIMP. Am investit destule resurse. Nu exista explicatie pertinenta sau scuza. Nu am alegere, altii au. Nu vreau sa aleaga altii despre/pentru mine, in special daca i-am refuzat deja politicos, in repetate randuri. 

Much love,



Hard to understand

Hard t understand.

Random interaction.


Pasted text in blue.

KEYWORDYNICKNAME static rumbling....

KEYWORDYNICKNAME something is coming 

KEYWORDYNICKNAME wow, breathing too





KEYWORDYNICKNAME this is actually like.... working with a sonar at a boat

KEYWORDYNICKNAME listening carefully for hints


Nightbot •Lurking? •Stalking? •Just chatting? Why not follow? Go on... It only costs one click, and I need all the support I can get rn. Much appreciated. Hail!

KEYWORDYNICKNAME @Nightbot well, I expect for a little more before following. But always considering, appreciated

Nightbot Click before it's gone!!! Wait... Here. https://linktr.ee/ishkirawind > There. TY 

KEYWORDYNICKNAME more social networks accounts than possible character nuances

KEYWORDYNICKNAME was that a bird?




KEYWORDYNICKNAME finally something kind and merry



KEYWORDYNICKNAME I like the birdie


KEYWORDYNICKNAME I'm here with birdie

ishkira <3 

KEYWORDYNICKNAME I don't get anything going on here

ishkira @KEYWORDYNICKNAME  Don't worry, everything will be ok 


KEYWORDYNICKNAME it was fun, even on my own

KEYWORDYNICKNAME I suspect "somethings"

KEYWORDYNICKNAME but....it was fun making the stream mine in a way

ishkira @KEYWORDYNICKNAME  stfu 

My bird's name is Casio, and he wasn't talking about him. Again, T is not an excuse. 


I don't know what all that text meant, I suspect hijacking of my stream/ 'whatevering' & orgasm. I don't know how, I don't even know if I'm interestedto learn about that now. But honestly, being limited to this sort of interactions, weirdness everywhere, is.... nowordsforit. You're not even getting your humiliation food out of this. 

Take care,

10 Jan 2021


Legs and feet

Looking @...

De ieri.

Writing here mainly cause if I don't write I 'get' pain is very wrong. Sometimes, honestly, I feel like 'brewing up' a blog article for a while before posting it. However, if I don't post daily (or almost daily) here, I GET PAIN. and most if not all MY good thoughts & intentions (for concocting & posting blog articles(!)) are WASTED. [Also, I get similar shit in other areas of my life too, he-he-he].
This is not normal or right & proves no point about me & or Evolveness when it comes to mind and consciousness. Really. I don't care you don't believe me.

Take care and if you have more comments on this topic please let me know.
Do... because....if not.....


9 Jan 2021

Dirty Granny Tails

Time to throw away your burden
to ride the broom and never
look back to your previous life
it's time to reap the roots of past

Go fly above your weakness
the sky above is endless
look below this world is small
could not contain your godly soul

Trembling of my heart
rippling of my dream
distance takes apart
all that I have been

Lost in skies of velvet
lovelier than ever
counting on myself alone

Never break always trust your inner sense
wonders wait you on your road
look ahead miracles are everywhere
life will take you by the hand


Thanks for recommending me this song, whoever you were :) I still remember your name, messenger (Ym) id, but to what avail 👀. You shocked me when you told me that thing with the T-shirt, you know, the one you throw behind the sofa.

Take good care of yerselfez.

7 Jan 2021

a bit busy

Weird days and I'm busy with moving back to S4..
Last sleep paralysis experience.
I saw an old woman, from the back, on the hallway here... She couldn't hear me, or she was ignoring me. I felt I was suffocating. When I reached to grab her by the shoulder, until she turned, I "woke up" with the strange sleep paralysis state, and started saying again, in my mind: You have no power over me, you have no control over me, then I started laughing (as if a friendly being was responsible for this weird experience, and I was like: Oh, what am I even saying in here, we're way past this stage!), my right breast (noticeably bigger than how it looks in real life) was twitching, as if: Aha, sure. So I was not afraid, more like, a prank. But I was bothered by the physical sensations. Like a thousand needles sensations running through all my muscles at the same time & the inability to move.


Something strange about waking up / combobulating the reality around me when I wake up, and the 'noise' which I keep hearing that it's OH SO NECESSARY, however, I know for sure that that is not true.


So I can, so I can ~ 

Ce e acolo?

Take care.