12 Jan 2021


Not blaming anyone (t).
MAYBE, Maybe, shills should stay out of areas of expertise where they are not GOOD for.

I am consistent, for a very long time, in various things, with results RERERERERERERERERE that don't prove anything, because this is not how Life works like.

At this point, I'm not sure it's healthy to care what you heard about me. 
The more layers I browse through, the more of the TRAUMA I've been subjected to I understand. I can't even have a fucking 'day off' to HEAL, because nobody has the balls to speak the truth for all 'COmmunity' to see ~ We wouldn't be like this, now. Stop pretending.  Nu e despre bani. 

Nu vreau sa mai aud nimic...Vreau o pauza... Nimeni nu vorbeste... Totul e impotriva mea... Tot ce spun/selecteaza astia e ce nu am/ce nu am facut in |-| respectiva. I don't get a job because I'm too good & they can't power up places for me (NOT my fault! - Nu exista oferta reala). Also, all jobs are FAKE. You are lied to, si NIMENI NU FACE NIMIC ORICUM.

Deci ce facem?


Am asteptat destul TIMP. Am investit destule resurse. Nu exista explicatie pertinenta sau scuza. Nu am alegere, altii au. Nu vreau sa aleaga altii despre/pentru mine, in special daca i-am refuzat deja politicos, in repetate randuri. 

Much love,



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