25 Apr 2021


I masturbate, talk & have 2 orgasms:

 In continuare, nu am nici un prieten si toti invizibilii cu care vb de se fac vizibii in moduri stranii incomplete si nu pot medita asupra completitudinii lor pentru ca


nu stiu cine

alege sa 


in continuare


Nimeni nu face nimic.

Nimeni nu e fericit.

Nimeni nu isi da drumul in nici o gaura ca apoi sa se bucure de feelingul reliefului si sa isi imagineze fantezii traindu-le (apoi? =)) ) in REAL TIME.




N-o sa ma fut niciodata cu nimeni in vazul tuturor. Sa mai spun cat de gresite sunt...Ce sunt?? Tentatii tentative tendinte CE? ALE unora? LOL

Nu. E altceva ce nu poate fi organizat corespunzator in cuvinte, aici, pe blog.


I've been eating people again.

Pretty. What?! What does THIS have to do with orgasms?

Pretty art on a tree ~ could pass as nothing but I'm desperate, right?

Sardonyx eye ♥

Data trecuta aveai gust de ananas.
 Lasand insultele la o parte, nu era o insulta. Incerc sa imi dau seama de ce conteaza toate kkturile pe lumea in care traiesc, si nu, nu ma iau de cei ce alcatuiesc imaginea din imagine cand spun asta. Ceva, ceva, a dus acolo. Si nu un BETA (Pentru ca nu exista Alfa autentic, nu are cum sa existe nici BETA) ~ *sigh*


M-am saturat sa tot fug.

Nu am de ce (de cine)

Nu am unde.

Nu am... Nimic.

Tot ce am e imprumutat si poate ca e altceva ce nu vad eu oricum :)

----SAD: Am inceput sa primesc sugestii sa ma sinucid, de preferabil aruncandu-ma de la fereastra. Nu trag pe nimeni la raspundere spunand asta, apropo. Nici eu nu stiu cine mi-a propus asa ceva, dar tot aud la "psychic telephone". Ori sa ma sinucid, ori sa asasinez pe cineva ca sa merg la inchisoare (dubiosenii in combobulatie, demistificarea iluziei? Parerea mea: Nu) ~ Am intrebat: daca vrei sa 'mor', de ce nu ma 'iei' in somn? Apoi, am auzit... Pentru ca aia nu ar fi o alegere. Si am spus, pai nici daca ma sinucid la 'sfat' nu e o alegere. O alegere ar fi fost, gen, acum cativa ani, cand tot ii spuneam cuiva ca vreau sa ma sinucid, nu neaparat din teribilism, nici ca sa atrag atentia, nici ca sa ii testez reactiile. O combinatie a tuturor partilor bune. Si atunci da, am ales, nu m-am sinucis... Nu cred ca prin sinucidere ajung Acasa.

Citez din jurnal: "I'm not scared/fearful But smth isn't right abt this... Taking my own life = bad, not? HOW? I do not belong to the religion I was baptized <into> (HEARD STORIES FFS!) - No? Family? I decided long time ago...Becut...Be cut...(me)...:(. Thank you for...whatever..At times I feel some "help"."


Thanks for reading / whatever.

21 Apr 2021

Thank you

 Sometimes I hear or see 'Thank you' & I can't tell for sure who has that message for me. As I try to figure out, to think a little more about what happened / the person / see if there's any lesson to learn, attempt communication/ etc. Something gets hijacked, and I do not like that word. The purpose is not to confuse{solvable-unnecessary though-probably ends in giggles} but to deceive{use for something that I would never agree with/for}. I am very unpleased. The message in most cases remains undelivered. 

I miss talking to some of you quite a lot. How we 'do' lately - I really don't like that. What's breezy and nice.. Heck, I had breezy & nice thigs before too, and I could talk to you, too. 

"They" (? NOT SURE WHO - I do not believe in ~ ..... ........ ...... ...... whatever that might be ~ I've seen INFO about them, but I do not agree/like. Someone told me - as soon as I agree with something, I get related to that in ... something that for some is = to having a BODY - NO NO - heartbreaking - a memory of someone's voice played forcefully with ILL purpose in my head, the context doesn't even matter, and an invocation of something...COMPLETELY unrelated - and not because I'm 'blind' ~ )

Same thing with the same thing. 


I'm bored of Never giving up and never givng in.

Nu pentru ca nu imi iese nimic din asta, ci pentru ca niste reguli importante nu sunt respectate si indiferent de stadiul la care ma aflam stiam asta inauntru, si ca solutia propusa nu este cea care sa dea rezultate bune.... Me & peers, a shit game of .... S.....WHAT? Again that point where every word hurts... I can't take this anymore si nu am nevoie de ceva sau cineva pe post de consolare, ci sa fac eu ceva. Nu egoul meu vorbeste :) M-am saturat! {Tot ce s-a intamplat in ultimele 2-3 luni, cum a devenit viata mea din 2019 incoace, am tot scris. Sunt foarte suparata si e bataie de joc la adresa a ceea ce apreciez si respect si nu am vazut pe nimeni sa vb PE BUNE; deci, vorbitul e rau??? Toata lumea se ascunde. Nu mai am rabdare. Nu sunt aici sa fiu Teacher for Cars! *Thank you for understanding*}.

Informatia conteaza, si nu e ban....

Nu e de cumparat sau de vandut (the one I wanna deal with - what I'm interested in)..

You can't buy your way into Heaven...

If all would be a show with costumes, I'd be a hermit on a rock ........

Mereu mi-am manifestat veleitatile ce nu au fost intelese din incapatanarea altora..Rautate? Mereu am preferat sa cred ca nu.. Pentru ca...Cum....?!


Nu ma doare-n pula daca esti tu prea prost, dar nici nu vreau sa asist la... Ca nu stii tu ce sa faci cand esti refuzat!

17 Apr 2021

Articol nou



Made my first T-shirt design on Zazzle

I designed it like this (pic below) but cannot be approved as merch because I don't own the copyright for the icons that I used.

Some pics, including the one I put on the back of the T-Shirt unedited ~ 

Did I tell you before I don't like posting ass pics on the internet and it has nothing to do with the way that my ass looks like? Cock cages aside, grow up!

I didn't get born to (I'm not here to) post naked or whatever ASS PICS on the internet. I'm not that type of model. Never was and I'm not really supporting anyone by being like this.

I find it stupid to post this because of the odd but this is the unedited pic since the one above is cropped (*unpleased face*)


I paid for taking these pics (with the phone I paid for already~) - by misplacing a Teabag or incorrectly remembering WTF happened there. DON'T GET BUTTHURT!


Pe gard la Biblioteca de care apartin (Filiala George Cosbuc BIBMET)

Why does this number folollow me? I thought it's in a way rude to talk about this in an incorrect setting. Because of something that might translate as Privacy issues? (I'm not fearful, I'm psychic)

I hear... No.
But to my perception, fluent (authentic) communication is not possible. I don't know why.

The 72 that follows me is not the peeps I randomly interact with when I talk about past experiences, what I learned and we manage to solve our 'issues'.

When I've looked at certain books or publications (there was not only one - I don't know why someone would assume such a thing and send it to me as what I intercept as psychic message.)

Pentru ca 'e relevant' ca pe oriunde merg sa fie dubiosenii cu ani/date/timp. In romana (romaneste~) Ani e nume de fata, in engleza date e... You know, no?

Mananca - Come ~ Vin ~ Vino (made me @#$%^&%$$#$^%& ~ Cuvantul ala exista (past tense-timpul trecut) in limba italiana inainte sa il citesc eu (dublu sens, fara indicatii clare - ) - deci - Nu inteleg invocatia, .... Ce?? Un bug?! :O Nu, nu mi se pare)

Thank you for supporting me & my work ^^ I work 24/7 and I am not ok with this. Also, I didn't sign (agree with) ANYWHERE 4 this! 

Prestari servicii e altceva.


Thank you for listening - Weird thing to say on a blog... 


Cu cartile pe fata sau deloc.

13 Apr 2021

Podcast (citesc)






Am experimentat cu uploadul podcastului pe site direct. Ascultam sa vad cum se aude, dupa ce am postat acest post, si mi-a venit ideea sa fac un mic edit sa spun ca DA, eu ma aud acolo, eu citeam, e vocea mea, blabla. Sincer, nu pot sa cred ca traiesc intr-o lume unde e nevoie de astfel de lamuriri si nu gust nici paranoia nici prostia (nu imi place). As discuta ore in sir* despre subiecte gen: define TU (Eu) ~ Pai tu nu vezi draga ca pana si tu iti dai seama ca e Asta, sau Cealalta chestie, in "actiune", deci, ia uite, si asta, si asta si asta si asta. DECI CARE TU? =) Eu, unica, inimitabila, si ogramadadealteatribute pe care numai eu le pod duce cum o fac!

*dar nu am cu cine. Nici macar la nivel experimental. Nu sesizez (simt ~ cu putere decizionala asupra 'conexiunii') persoana cealalta, fiind impinsa sa nu pot respecta cu adevarat, PE NIMENI!


Podcasturile pe care le inregistrez sunt disponibile pe Anchor, Spotify, Google Podcasts.