9 Apr 2020

Short article

Constantly bullied these days... (PlayList: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5b6q2JRlw29HaFd2aSvCEKhcVUGp593F )

I connected more dots, gathered more materials, still trying to figure some of you out (I don't want no Communication Breakdown)

-The Rabbit-

Beni & me




My 1st Lipstick. Golden Brown, sparkly too! Got it on my way to school, vis-a-vis de Zefirul S.A. Like most things I could afford at that time, made in China. I loved it! I still remember it's smell, and the 1st make-up palette I ever had ( tot de acolo ). Brandul era Ruby Rose.

"Gustul copilariei" ar zice unii, no, mie chiar mi-au placut napolitanele astea.


6 Apr 2020


And when you get old and start losing your hair

Can you tell me who will still care-are-are
Can you tell me who will still care



Then I see you plant a flower, plant a rose

You can plant any one of those
Keep planting to find out which one grows
It's a secret no one know-hoe-hoes
It's a secret no one knows
Oh hoes, no one know-ohs

 - Nici nu stiu cum sa explic. Dar aceste imagini au starnit atatea reactii in lant, in dans frenetic de du-te vino inainte si inapoi ca un futai cu un tip care nu poate sa termine... Macar de-ar fi doar atat. #timetravel

Can you tell me ohh

(Which flower's going to grow?)
No, you can't 'cause you don't know
Can you tell me
(If it's going to be a daisy or a rose?)
You say you can but you don't knowwww


Udă toată
 Tipul, floarea, masina, celalalt tip, eu... Pffft. Nu, multumesc! 
 Gift from a friend, truly appreciated! 

 How many can you C?


 Yummy. Friends know!


Orice asemanare cu alte realitati este pur intamplatoare. (NOT!)


 Find KeyWords.

 I show you the way.

 Cea din dreapta e Strabunica. Prima moarte cunoscuta de mine.


 My 1/2 German Cousin, and My Robot Piggy Bank.
Another "Road Opener".


 😔 (Soon™)

More clues:




I'm telling ya'! 
More 2 come, as I decode (understand better) my "0WN" Memories. Thank you for reading.

26 Mar 2020

Word of the day: DisGusting!

Hello there!
"New" Sequence:




~Prima mea poza (Aveam cateva zile)

~I had multiple choice • (Me & my GodMother)

~Kinky fantasies

"But you know you can lean on me
And I don't have no fear
I'll take on any man here
Who says that's not the way it should be"
Who is She? Why do I bleed? Read/Red/Reversed.
~4 ani~ Melancholy, Bucharest, River bank (Dâmbovița)

~ I love you!

~ Nugget

~ Sigil

~ Ritual
Quarrelsome Quaranteen in...


New video out! Link : <https://youtu.be/G08WF_oKRnA>

23 Mar 2020

19 Mar 2020

Asa NU!


Trippy pic!
~~~ Natural Effects - PhotoSHOPPED SKY!!?

Hi there.
N0! ~ Prietenii stiu de ce ;)
Artwork representing a Blasphemous Product. FAIL! 
!Dead-End -> (Re)Initializing Sequence -> 0 0 0 0. #Ialreadytoldyouaboutthis • 
Check older posts!
Thank You for Reading!
Simti? 🖤
