18 Dec 2020



I see you in so many places. 

Pentru permanent si nu numai. Nostalgia feel. 

Cake rack pe Iancului

Bare la Piata Sudului

Hmm... I wonder, how do you see this?

One of my fav fountains, currently not functioning, but pretty nonetheless. 

Looked so much better to my eyes,
Little lights in Sector 4.


Caught the corner of my eye ~ 

Why is this depiction of an Angel so inspiring to me? Hmm.

Went to the Church in my ol' Neighborhood today ~ Was a weird experience, but almost everything is weird nowadays for me when I get out of the house. Keywords were mingling, but still the main feel was: calculations (not to keep up or sustain, flower) against me and I don't like the word against here but not sure how to explain. 

Saw these and thought - No, number of, what, again? 

Window view from old apartment. 

Tiny bug.

(Me in the) Mirror in my old room.

OH NO! Is this a.... Oh yes, it is. I will think about that later.


Pe la Universitate.

This is very close to where I live now.


Place with loud pigeons, where I put out the thrash.


Was that a hi or a bye?

Catch ya later!

Who did I feel, what did I feel, from time to time, in all this time? Not a fan or invitation, not always interrogation, run run run, it's not just wind in my head, but something special, disguised as "I only appear to be so but I'm not".

Cooking with Laura

 Small sequence.

Reteta personala - CIORBA.

Varianta: cu pui si smantana.

Ingrediente: 4 chicken wings, 2 onions, cooking oil(I used sunflower), turmeric, seasoning, Himalayan salt, Borsch (1L), 1 cup cream (20%fat), 4 potatoes, handful of fresh parsley, 

Timp de preparare: Necontorizat. {>60% a good time }

Am calit ceapa in putin ulei, am pus si niste turmeric, apoi am adaugat apa, aripioare de pui si baza pentru mancaruri cu legume deshidratate.

\/\/\/\/\/\/ Morcovii


Pozez ingrediente

In timp ce gateam am baut ceai de macese - f bun.

Dupa ~ o ora si jumatate, am decis ca e momentul bun sa scot carnea

Am adaugat restul ingredientelor si patrunjelul proaspat taiat

Am lasat carnea la racit



Am dezosat si maruntit carnea, apoi am adaugat-o la ciorba.


Am adaugat smantana.

I'm not crazy, I just like art.

Am omogenizat

Am descoperit ce se afla in spatele frigiderului din bucataria asta:

Si cat curent am consumat in mai putin de o luna (aaaaa ~ 50) WTF.
Cei din familia mea {costumele de carne(?)} ii ziceau "Lumina".
E masurat consumul de curent electric.
Pe factura scrie: Energie electrica.
In biserica am vazut teancuri cu Ziarul Lumina.

I'm confused.

Care apa?
Si ce legatura au toate astea cu 'faptul' ca sunt eu parcata. (?)
O aparenta ciudata.
Sigur e ceva aiurea, dar atat de usor de descifrat, daca...

Almost done


Rezultatul final

Foarte buna ciorba,

{Eu prefer ciorba cu putin mai putina grasime, dar e buna si asa, mai ales pe vremea asta ;)}


Be well

Happy Holidays 

[What do holidays mean for you, anyway? ;)]

Time off 'job'?




But you're...

Oh wait..

You never mentioned...

You can but

There's something else.


