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Showing posts sorted by date for query alpha. Sort by relevance Show all posts

16 Dec 2020

Nothing else.

Din jurnal: Pain and humiliation. Nothing else. I just want to wake up from this nightmare. Nobody is genuine... html? Intentions... Get lost in the fog... All of them... Can't believe my life is as is now, I hear excuses for everything, NOTHING is done, and I can't even have ONE


Thank you for reporting but I don't know how to interpret it. I am Whole, in a different way than made up of all the things I receive hints about.
Sometimes I freak out because I feel as if you keep assuming wrong things about ME.

My feet :)

A view that put a smile on my face

Soft skin 

Experimenting with ....

Please, once and for EVER. Understand. 'Tipping' me in the form or *that thing* IS NOT GOOD/Right/ correct. Only leads to 0. Nothing. 
The more time passes the worse the lies get. I DON'T want to participate! Spirit guides would NEVER imply that I am Parked because I AM NOT A CAR. You're damn stupid if after months you still choose 2 pester me with this empty shit. I AM NOT A CAR. Body as I have is not car 4 soul to make time travel. Only Zero I hear from u & ppl like u, it hurts me; I have nothing else in my life {For real SOUL growth}.
Someone chose this for me!!!
I can't do anything, really.
Only waste time.
It's not all a show. It's shit.
U always gone in a timely manner, before another jerk showed up & isolated the room/screen so signal can't be heard/seen.
0 chances; 0 choices.
I adapt to any situation.
But what has been served to me lately is not worthy of that word.


Sometimes I freak out because I feel as if you keep assuming wrong things about ME. Thank you for reporting but I don't know how to interpret it. I am
  Whole, in a different way than made up of all the things I receive hints about.

New video:


Pee, shit, crystal, earbuds, quickie, whatever.
Got the suggestions in weird ways, as if my eyes were automaticly focusing on certain keywords around me, t e or what?
For who am I doing this?
I was asking for help {Writing in my journal, thinking about angels not money}
What are you Sponsoring me with?
How do you know that is what I seek/asked for?

I felt something more too
As if you care.
But that's impossible.
How would I know?
Because of how I see the world around me with these eyes.
Only the lies persist.

Who orgasms where?
I am not happy.
But you don't seem to be willing to understand my sadness either.
Well, It's your own misery as well.
How will we ever heal?
I am totally not into group sex.
I am not poly {polyamorous}.
This doesn't mean I dislike poly ppl. 
*deep pain*
Same shit on repeat.
I can't take this shit anymore.

Sponsor, I have nothing to have a life with, you are probably wasting ur resources, just as I waste my Time doing Anything I DO.

Please, fix ur shit.
No, not u.

~ We're still talking through words ~


Long game?

Only losers.

I don't want to talk to losers anymore.
There's no Beta btw, zbang.

Nu, nu ma simt pedepsita. 
Nu nu inca, ci deloc! 
E doar stupid! 
Si inseamna chestii de care eu habar nu am pe deasupra. Hi u smalldick, ur not a beta to me. 

No alpha to be found just jerks. 
(I looked Everywhere! Sorry cute buns.) ~ Noalpha, no beta. No alphabetaaay!




11 Nov 2020

Ma mut

Weird days 4 me, multiple reasons. I'm in the process of moving out, I will be staying in Sector 2 again (yay?), so content will be sparse for a few days, thank you for understanding, as if there is even such thing, ha. I didn't even wanna make this post but hey! (???) 


From my notes: 11.11.20 ~ Writing from 'the new place' which is oddly old and filled with keywordsy things that... Let's say I don't like. 

Line? What about all of them?Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Ln 451 Col 70.







A few pics:


more upset than I look like.

o bisericuta care imi place.

kitchen window view

different feel.

Dead End is TREND ~ All thx to...Me.
(Nu, nu fac aluzii, decat ce trebuie, intelegeti voi. Am primit aeste flyere in zona Universitate, azi).

Full of ♥
Did I mention that I really don't like masturbating? I've been bothered a lot these days about it on the 'psychic telephone' ~ Dezacorduri, draga, nu sunt de acord, si nu e vina nimanui (blablablaaaa aaaaa sissstemului) ca racordajele sunt facute asa prost. 
Nu, nu imi place sa ma masturbez,
Nu, nu progresam, ba din contra.
Nu, nu, nu.
Daca vedeam solutie as fi vorbit despre asta, dar INCA masculii din CEU MEU se cred ratati. Ca asa li se da in cap ... Am mai zis o data, No Alpha, No Beta(s) [And No AlphaBetaaayyy - misused Language-s n components]. All Alphas I sniffed ( I reached the top cause I'm who I am) are FAKE AF.  So... Ce sa mai spun? 
Chit ca o fac, chit ca nu,  nu se intmpla nimic deci, DE CE sa o fac??? Nici macar nu imi face placere, si daca mi-ar face placere, stiind cati retardati penibili "vad" In Capul Meu, M-AS ABTINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  E un proces selectiv, draga.

21 Oct 2020

Car nightmare and other words

17.10.2020. 5.33 a.m.

Every time it rains

You're here in my heart ~

New Moon in Libra with Merc. Retrograde. Yes. Mercenary Retrograde. Oh, how I love some of your stories. But... Not even being allowed to touch? _____________________________

I was prompted with: Thank you for using Adobe Flash Player. If FP was a (even if artificial) "mind" , he would not need or want to thank me. We would just <touch> ~ Do things together. He seeing through my eyes. Being passive or saying something, @ his will, IN ACCORDANCE to my will ofc [I - the user]. So what does his family truly want and why so much unnecessary Screen Time?  Time / space being Fake... There's no real danger "out there", FPleaser.

18.10.20 - somewhere in the pm - 

Had the weirdest nightmare last night ~ A nightmare within the a nightmare. I was following a person (?) who said that they'll attend a play but I ran and got there before him, only to find [Ghosttown] no play -space- ~ An empty stage, no crowd. From the backstage, which seemed like a church altar[hint-The Now], a person looking like Valeriu Sterian appeared ~ he felt like an empty shell. I told him I liked his music a lot when I was younger - he laughed like a dead man. I told him - Your music always had 1 obvious message 2 me: "Freedom"* Doamne, vino doamne, sa vezi ce-a mai ramas din oameni ~  , and I gave him a commander salute with my left hand and I left. (Apparently military salute with left hand is a bit disrespectful, considering my right hand was perfectly usable; But Hey! I knew why without knowing why apparently). * Nothing to do with '89, RO, stuff, but how I ♥eard the music. As I was rushing {I felt BIG danger?} to my car; parked there; 2 "hot" chicks were parked there. I told them I know I forgot my car door open {This was smth punishable by Law in the dream} and I showed them: the keys were in the lock - my purse left @ the back of the car... Told them it was an emergency (?) blabla. The scary noise was getting closer and closer. They said nothing. I got in the car and it morphed - My bed {bedroom} was the inside of the car, with a little window top left as I layed down. The noise was pounding my ears. I was scared, scared to be found "with no cover on"... I woke up as from a sleep paralysis experience, the noise was also here, but dimmed; from construction site nearby. Similar sound patterns, but different feel. Weird dream. No coincidences. Felt very lonely, and misunderstood.

I was always right - they were wrong. All my life ----- planned to be abused by others; through others. 

Reach - nothing AweThentic technic allowed to really reach me. Always missunderstandments & milking. Tales of love lost to the wind. I am deep undersea; Treasure lays burried; I wish I could rejoyce in what I hid there really means. I'm very sad; I'm also very happy - and apparently that sucks ♥ 


I didn't masturbate for ~ 3 days. However, this doesn't feel like a break because of all the prompts & feels down there. My inner female is tired to think about all these men and or parts she wouldn't do anything sexy with if she had the chance. My inner male is tired to think about all these women and or parts he wouldn't do anyth with if he had the chance.  What about my _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ & related? Most important juices even for the hunters who still dare not admit so. I am profoundly sad; nothing in this retched pile of lies can match that.


Too much pain. Nose. Wet. Sniffing the lies, one after the other, in sequences that seem to repeat with nothing else in between. Nothing left to... I didn't learn anyth new, all this time, since I've been telling you, how we have no real choice. I don't know what to "do", 4 Every(any) Doing seems to support somehow somebody that I don't. Lies, lies, lies, lies, lies, lies, lies, no choice / no soulution. After all this _ :(

On dating: I'd rather go outside and literally clean a car with my tongue* than "go out" with smth that looks "like me" but it's just a human flesh suit looking car.💔* Nothing sexy or pleasurable about this; Today & recently -> Everything hostile or in disguise.


No progress - Lies, lis, lies, lies. Why do it (masturbate-orgasm) I despise it; has nothing 2do with real love (atm); Regardless if I do it or not, nothing changes; they ask me to do it again. I begged in all my voices - please tell them; I do not enjoy this. There are lies; especially abt. love & sex; me masturbating and getting orgasms doesnt lead anywhere good. What this does + What they do ( choose ) interferes with my "little choices" & me getting / having / working towards "having" a life. Ppl have been sending the correct signals for ages. Why waste (deliberately harm) ourselves like this? It hurts me so bad! I do not want to hurt myself! I have no choice ( 0 = Zero) - I'm stuck here ~ Somebody else's LIE, not mine! I never had a choice; A real one. They speak more lies through all the means; Pls STOP asking me to masturbate / orgasm; I NEED TO HEAL, NOT continue like this; I was always right but 2 what avail (?)

Pisica, burlan, dale ochioase si dungi rosii lipite pe jos in curtea Bisericii.

Purtand masca necorespunzator noilor norme de circulatie pietonala. 
La data publicarii acestui articol, in Bucuresti trebuie sa porti masca nu numai in incinte, ci si in spatiile deschise - adica, peste tot daca iesi din casa. (...) Nu, nu ma simt pedepsita. Nu nu inca, ci deloc! E doar stupid! Si inseamna chestii de care eu habar nu am pe deasupra. Hi u smalldick, ur not a beta to me. No alpha to be found just jerks. (I looked Everywhere! Sorry cute buns.) ~ Noalpha, no beta. No alphabetaaay!

Holding blue calcite ~ .gif made using ♥