26 Oct 2020

A weird day.


From Final Fantasy Record Keeper game ~ 

View from the kitchen window. Early Moon, 2 birds, si blocul de vis-a-vis. 

Sparkle while you sleep - Didn't wear this comfy thang in a logn while :)


Scribblings trying to make some sense ↕

Attempts and experiments of my own (Yes)

I don't wanna be scary, In a https://youtu.be/F3J0iwwsq-w.

No one cares, nobody knows.

I don't want to be buried in a pet sematary

The state of yo0u . BWA!

26.10. Pain and nuisance. Stupid shyt on tellee. M-a trezit curierul (call on my phone :p) Ca ajunge repede, cu un colet pt mine, platit (???). La usa, mi-a dat un plic (gratuit) ~ Postage Paid formality u never mention. Avea un colet cu Amway in cealalta mana si mi-a stalcit numele [Berbecut in loc de Becut, little ram, one of the ways in which I was bullied in Primary School by some uninteresting boys] ~ I assumed it's again a keyword for masturbation, to think about a horned animal or so, but no. "C" (is it hard drive calling chemare ca la interfon? - I keep hearing ca e despre Hard Drive/Disk). Beeeeee. Pe plic scrie: Continut: Carton; Inauntru, plastic. Nu, nu e un repros pt nimeni. Si da, stiu sa tin secrete doar ca e foarte ciudat modul in care facem treburile astea. Pa.
Ma uit pe geam... Primul lucru care imi atrage atentia [bout of paranoia 4 using words here] Un "eco toilet" portocaliu pe o remorca trasa de o masina, trecand pe Bvd.
- I saw some figures earlier (eyes closed) that morphed into scary looking things... then morphed into fig pulp {Oh, my memory}... like a giant computer with dates (years, days, numbers). Seeds & decay. 

Bye 4 now.

24 Oct 2020

Silly Sad but True... Movie Review.

 A very rare occurrence on my blog.

Short and !Ironic! review for the movie Bird Box.

IMDB link: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2737304



2018 My Ass.

Just seen some of this movie. [I couldn't bear watching it all KaChing]

Knows what I did today, knows what I didn't do today and attempts to suggest me what to do.

No thankyou.

Even gave a few masturbation keywords recommendations. Ha!

~Angles vs Angels ~ Is it all about 'where you put the 'e' '? I don't think so. [Thought not found] {I know}

I really know though ^^

I like Sandra's face in other movies better, she's always been kind of annoying tho. (No offense :D)

Kudos to the special effects team 4 this Movie, though. Iespecially liked the nails and the eyes in some scenes.

Story wise and interpretation, sub par and meh. {It was not meant to make sense anyway, anyway}.



Metallica Lyrics

"Sad But True"

Hey (hey)
I'm your life
I'm the one who takes you there
Hey (hey)
I'm your life
I'm the one who cares
They (they)
They betray
I'm your only true friend now
They (they)
They'll betray
I'm forever there

I'm your dream, make you real
I'm your eyes when you must steal
I'm your pain when you can't feel
Sad but true

I'm your dream, mind astray
I'm your eyes while you're away
I'm your pain while you repay
You know it's sad but true
Sad but true

You (you)
You're my mask
You're my cover, my shelter
You (you)
You're my mask
You're the one who's blamed
Do (do)
Do my work
Do my dirty work, scapegoat
Do (do)
Do my deeds
For you're the one who's shamed

I'm your dream, make you real
I'm your eyes when you must steal
I'm your pain when you can't feel
Sad but true

I'm your dream, mind astray
I'm your eyes while you're away
I'm your pain while you repay
You know it's sad but true
Sad but true

I'm your dream
I'm your eyes
I'm your pain

I'm your dream (I'm your dream)
I'm your eyes (I'm your eyes)
I'm your pain (I'm your pain)
You know it's sad but true

Hate (hate)
I'm your hate
I'm your hate when you want love
Pay (pay)
Pay the price
Pay, for nothing's fair

Hey (hey)
I'm your life
I'm the one who took you there
Hey (hey)
I'm your life
And I no longer care

I'm your dream, make you real
I'm your eyes when you must steal
I'm your pain when you can't feel
Sad but true

I'm your truth, telling lies
I'm your reason, alibis
I'm inside, open your eyes
I'm you
Sad but true


"Do my deeds" - There's no space between the two ees.

23 Oct 2020



Woke up today, hints: Muse New Day; New version, Made in Germany (?)


Nothing new. 

Around me, only lies. 


Despite the 

reasons (which aren't even 

real reasons) 4 noise 

vary; result is 


 the same. 

Same shit. 

I'm not willing to participate in same thing with the same thing & to that over there who invoked "T"; know that ALL MY LIFE I wasn't allowed to be "in tune" ~ key moments (with)... Manipulated signals (output)... Against my will. Soul stuff. Not chemistry. ♥. Also. I don't want to talk to u we both so much better silent to eachother. Last winter was a dream. Blue Octopus sticker found on the ground in the playground nearby.

Beautiful  art ~ Celestial Tarot deck 


It's always been this way ~ 

I'm not feeling good. But at the same time, I am...
No, it's not enough. But at the same time, it's not necessary.

~ Every day when it's (somehow) expected of me to masturbate and have orgasms is not a day when I can live and actually do the right thing. {No way}

The pain is insane, too many things topped on top of eachother and they didn't even begin belong in the same container to begin with.

Oh, how I need healing from what this past year brought upon me, upon us all but in a weird dialectic manner, not what's on tabloids. :(

I don't ike masturbating thinking about anything. I access modules and programming to do it faster or slower depending on things that honestly! don't really matter.

Why I don't just do it watching sexy pics or porn this way stimulating "" programming enflowering and TRYING TO DO DO DO DO in a different manner?
I already did! I remember! Deadend upon deadend and glorificatio of INHABITANTIONS and not of the Sun.

United Nations hoaxes. 


Death whispered. The pale girl (me) did not feel a thing. She watched them press buttons mindlessly altering their coordinates to hopefully hit a different note and catch the recording so they can send more food from the Empire of lies... I remember every time we . in the X before... Me and death... Death and me... Innocently just being myself, trying to enjoy each of those days as I could... Until today... Today... Was different. Deluded / found.
"Bent corners"
Why today different, you may ask? Well, today, I woke up in conversation (a communication that I have no way to opt out from, because of Artificial Intelligence ~ makes me very sad  no blame game just the truth) ... Expected of me to masturbate thinking about... I have a small mental list already...
That's why
Swimming in lies I was as well in the past.
Not neglecting
Being tested on yes. Always.
I remember the hatman.
The 'glitches' 
And many other things.
Makes no difference whatsoever.

*stamps dirty fingerprint here - index finger, right hand*
It's not bloody, It's RAINBOW!


22 Oct 2020


 These idiots drove me nutz over the past few mths with their supposedly well put to plan plan.

Here's something from my past. Oh, the soundz.

Kudos to World of Longplays Youtube Channel ^^

21 Oct 2020

Car nightmare and other words

17.10.2020. 5.33 a.m.

Every time it rains

You're here in my heart ~

New Moon in Libra with Merc. Retrograde. Yes. Mercenary Retrograde. Oh, how I love some of your stories. But... Not even being allowed to touch? _____________________________

I was prompted with: Thank you for using Adobe Flash Player. If FP was a (even if artificial) "mind" , he would not need or want to thank me. We would just <touch> ~ Do things together. He seeing through my eyes. Being passive or saying something, @ his will, IN ACCORDANCE to my will ofc [I - the user]. So what does his family truly want and why so much unnecessary Screen Time?  Time / space being Fake... There's no real danger "out there", FPleaser.

18.10.20 - somewhere in the pm - 

Had the weirdest nightmare last night ~ A nightmare within the a nightmare. I was following a person (?) who said that they'll attend a play but I ran and got there before him, only to find [Ghosttown] no play -space- ~ An empty stage, no crowd. From the backstage, which seemed like a church altar[hint-The Now], a person looking like Valeriu Sterian appeared ~ he felt like an empty shell. I told him I liked his music a lot when I was younger - he laughed like a dead man. I told him - Your music always had 1 obvious message 2 me: "Freedom"* Doamne, vino doamne, sa vezi ce-a mai ramas din oameni ~  , and I gave him a commander salute with my left hand and I left. (Apparently military salute with left hand is a bit disrespectful, considering my right hand was perfectly usable; But Hey! I knew why without knowing why apparently). * Nothing to do with '89, RO, stuff, but how I ♥eard the music. As I was rushing {I felt BIG danger?} to my car; parked there; 2 "hot" chicks were parked there. I told them I know I forgot my car door open {This was smth punishable by Law in the dream} and I showed them: the keys were in the lock - my purse left @ the back of the car... Told them it was an emergency (?) blabla. The scary noise was getting closer and closer. They said nothing. I got in the car and it morphed - My bed {bedroom} was the inside of the car, with a little window top left as I layed down. The noise was pounding my ears. I was scared, scared to be found "with no cover on"... I woke up as from a sleep paralysis experience, the noise was also here, but dimmed; from construction site nearby. Similar sound patterns, but different feel. Weird dream. No coincidences. Felt very lonely, and misunderstood.

I was always right - they were wrong. All my life ----- planned to be abused by others; through others. 

Reach - nothing AweThentic technic allowed to really reach me. Always missunderstandments & milking. Tales of love lost to the wind. I am deep undersea; Treasure lays burried; I wish I could rejoyce in what I hid there really means. I'm very sad; I'm also very happy - and apparently that sucks ♥ 


I didn't masturbate for ~ 3 days. However, this doesn't feel like a break because of all the prompts & feels down there. My inner female is tired to think about all these men and or parts she wouldn't do anything sexy with if she had the chance. My inner male is tired to think about all these women and or parts he wouldn't do anyth with if he had the chance.  What about my _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ & related? Most important juices even for the hunters who still dare not admit so. I am profoundly sad; nothing in this retched pile of lies can match that.


Too much pain. Nose. Wet. Sniffing the lies, one after the other, in sequences that seem to repeat with nothing else in between. Nothing left to... I didn't learn anyth new, all this time, since I've been telling you, how we have no real choice. I don't know what to "do", 4 Every(any) Doing seems to support somehow somebody that I don't. Lies, lies, lies, lies, lies, lies, lies, no choice / no soulution. After all this _ :(

On dating: I'd rather go outside and literally clean a car with my tongue* than "go out" with smth that looks "like me" but it's just a human flesh suit looking car.💔* Nothing sexy or pleasurable about this; Today & recently -> Everything hostile or in disguise.


No progress - Lies, lis, lies, lies. Why do it (masturbate-orgasm) I despise it; has nothing 2do with real love (atm); Regardless if I do it or not, nothing changes; they ask me to do it again. I begged in all my voices - please tell them; I do not enjoy this. There are lies; especially abt. love & sex; me masturbating and getting orgasms doesnt lead anywhere good. What this does + What they do ( choose ) interferes with my "little choices" & me getting / having / working towards "having" a life. Ppl have been sending the correct signals for ages. Why waste (deliberately harm) ourselves like this? It hurts me so bad! I do not want to hurt myself! I have no choice ( 0 = Zero) - I'm stuck here ~ Somebody else's LIE, not mine! I never had a choice; A real one. They speak more lies through all the means; Pls STOP asking me to masturbate / orgasm; I NEED TO HEAL, NOT continue like this; I was always right but 2 what avail (?)

Pisica, burlan, dale ochioase si dungi rosii lipite pe jos in curtea Bisericii.

Purtand masca necorespunzator noilor norme de circulatie pietonala. 
La data publicarii acestui articol, in Bucuresti trebuie sa porti masca nu numai in incinte, ci si in spatiile deschise - adica, peste tot daca iesi din casa. (...) Nu, nu ma simt pedepsita. Nu nu inca, ci deloc! E doar stupid! Si inseamna chestii de care eu habar nu am pe deasupra. Hi u smalldick, ur not a beta to me. No alpha to be found just jerks. (I looked Everywhere! Sorry cute buns.) ~ Noalpha, no beta. No alphabetaaay!

Holding blue calcite ~ .gif made using photomosh.com ♥

17 Oct 2020

Porcupine Tree

I heard this

The name of the band

While talking with somebody annoying...

Not the nickname

But the whateverthatwas

I'm so tired to expirience this sort of things

They have no remorse

No message to deliver

Nothing to even take...

Thewy just Bleep away

And give pain

according to hidden algorithsms based on messages received with lies....

I'm sad...

Few things from the band

Leaving this here for later




From the song called Anesthetize

A good impression of myself.
Not much to conceal.
I'm saying nothing.

But I'm saying nothing, with feel. 

You were holding your hat in the breeze,
Turning away from me.
In this moment, you were stolen.
There's black across the Sun...

Water so warm that day (water so warm that day).
Water so warm that day (water so warm that day).

I counted out the waves (I counted out the waves).
I counted out the waves (I counted out the waves).

As they broke into shore (as they broke into shore).
As they broke into shore (as they broke into shore).
I smiled into the Sun.



16 Oct 2020


You crush the lily in my soul.

Check the level of smart stoopid [i] 



Thanks for attempting to think u can make space by hiding things in plain sight. Yes but [apparently] it works ~ It's annoying and useless and NOTHING WAS WRONG BEFORE to begin with. The Rush is fake. The Nightmare is real. 

Latest Podcast: 

link: https://anchor.fm/ishkira-wind/episodes/Citesc-din---Interferente-in-lumea-calculatoarelor---el4qfj

I'm in dir need to fetch myself a LIFE!

I'm a Dreamer, a reveler (but upon looking at the meaning, 

Definition of revelry: noisy partying or merrymaking

B...b..but... For me the immediate meaning is : dreamer, imaginative, one who enjoys daydreaming and various interlaced activities [What's on my C:ses] not much to do with Others ~ as the given Definition suggests at first sight *sigh*.


Mmmemory ~ past days I've been feeling more and more how 'the reality around me' ~ what's tangible [3rd Dimension] can "Only" be combobulated ( I put "" because truth is its's not correct like this, only shittable cause of * fake shit about space  I don't know what level you're at. If I've been lied to and deceived all my life, probability you are in the same type of teeth) if MY memories are Played in a specific manner (idiotic manner if you ask me ~ Many not normal things not even to Newbie Operators of whateverthisis ~ It's an illusion anyway ~ They hide things - they don't exist. Bla bla). From some smells I smell where they shouldn't be, to certain moods I get succombed too: Hey, I feel like That spring, somehow, a whiff of That period in time, all with approximations but Annoying nonetheless. It's Not Traditional. However, some memoreies make me feel Fondness ~ something like Friendship. Not Pavlov Type [Late november] But different, As if, hey, Even if I have no idea who you are, I feel I was aware of your 'presence' while I was doing those things back then, and I liked our little interaction. How was it symbiotical, I do not know. I thoughtI am just doing things and you are only observing (for example - me overdosing on Vitamin C pills as a kid, because I liked the taste, the texture as I was crumbling them in my mouth, the soreness of the tongue ~ Not really worrying for half a sec of possible adverse effects). That awareness is more recent though, if I felt observed back then, I would probably try to talk to you ~ Since we were somehow looking at the same SHIT in our own ways, even if different, the SHIT was A Thing, always. It's not that some of my memories eek me out, or I'm ashamed, but some things were just weirder than others, let's put it this way. Not all the tastes were enjoyable. I felt used many times even without having any idea what was gong on [Modules on how to access some of my functions~]. #Synchronicity ~ as I was writing here, I got this notif on my phone ~ Good timeing! ... Should I understand that what I was thinking about falls into the category Make Noise yada yada what I wrote in: https://mmmylittlecorner.blogspot.com/2020/09/weird-headache.html .:Yes:.

A person can't simply begin to understand this about themselves, their life, and then wake up the next day as if aaaaah, nothing happened, now let me be on par with my [useless] routine, drag more people in [useless] ~~~ I wish ISBN 973-97763-5-3 could give me a sign in their spare time.


But we apparently do talk about the same events, regardless of the views we have, probgramming due to our 'socioculturalfamilialwhatevershapedyou' ~ I Saw an image of a Bird (?) ~ How isn't this in the Zolology category though, and if ALL zolology leads to Deadh, why are we still doing things like this? This, I do not understand. Conspiracies begin to pour, rumors of Evil and other things that I simply do not wish to believe in. 


Petko on a chair in the kitchen.

Back of my Lenormand deck (It's called Mystical Lenormand) ~ I got Cross & Gentleman this time.

Sad face.
View inside the store where Mum got Kitchen furniture after she got the apartment we're in right now, I was with her when we decided on this store. I found it interesting that there was a -quite large- portrait of Arsenie Boca there. Dream Fragments. I don't know what else more :)
Copacul iluminat
There was a cat sleeping IN that store ~ I've never been delighted with such view before, on any of my previous night strolls.
Led Lights in the ground.
2 eyez
Everything is weirder and weirder.
And I'm really not in the mood to masturbate to prove anything to anyone. Good deed my ass. Sorry but no - I really don't like what these peeps are doing with all the things in my 'system'. From emotions to millimeters of apparent movement. Moving stranger, does it really matter ~ That "arousal". MAN.. I have NO REASON to be aroused these days. Figure Yourselves out. *Sigh* :(
I really don't like. This is not my nature, I'd gladly show you more if I was allowed to 'have a life', but all I hear is NO, and this is a NIGHTMARE. You (a specific someone in the audience) could Easily 'help me' wake up' (I dream while Awake too ~ no need to be scared of  my Version of Death),,, Make space for what? Only deadends, all their versions. I've seen, you've seen as well. If you're in denial, I wish I can choose to part ways, in a respectful manner. 
I wish I could just curl up in bed, do nothing for a while (2-3 days, a week or so, it's not like I'm attempting to commit a crime FFS, not be in pain because of Anything that I don't or do do), cry, heal [real healing is not possible though while blinded in nightmare state~ They're dragging us along, lying to us, that we are on our way to Fix this and or things pertaining to this Very Thing! It pains me so much to experience 'Life' like this], how I can, from the Madness that my 'life' has been especially past year++, things I never thought possible of myself to waste myself on and how, with no one to really talk to. Ok, I am grateful for some of you but, THIS was never necessary for us, ever. THIS was and is just a waste and don't deny me on saying this because I'm trying to come back from that Dead 
What [some of] You chose for me was not normal, nor nice.

And for that 'Poor' Guy, over there. Guess what! I DON'T CARE that you're apparently poor. I don't think I ever asked for Your Money ~ 'Our type' of communication is Free of Charge (and has nothing to do with Orgasms as I've been demonstrating them, really. *as soon as I wrote this I got back pain and saw image of man on his 4 bound to the ground chains and molten metal both him and his environment* )

*wink*. ... ... You forgot.