* & If you're bothered, why talk?(We could do something different about it, there's no government, really) LINKS!. Ok... On a certain lvl everything is made up on them. But, something troubles my mind. I said in many ways, hoping the message would get delivered. I'm not ok with that! (for example thinking about 'Empress' keyword, that specific girl's face [It's not about if I like or not or what do I think about; I don't know for sure WHY but something is wrong in this situation. Again, I hear about the Parking issue, and again, I say: I'm not a car ~ It's been too long, It's been too long...]). So, I'm not ok with that for myself, or others (if there was a lesson to be learned all data is available by now, same thing with the same thing, again the reason with beta & reset, I can't reason with this anymore. What's expected of me, in the end, is a weird form of SELF HARM, implicitly I harm others too, unknowingly, especially since it's about links...for... Them... Then the Potion Masters waste their resources as well and all we do is... What I already said... Nothing.
Everybody wants my love & nobody really wants my love, at the same time, is not the paradox that History was built for.
*deep sigh*
2 Leaves
Dream fragments:
Ar fi trebuit sa fie o priza (punct de alimentare) pentru un radio mic. (?) dar erau 2 lampi/becuri invers, prinse aproape de tavan. Aratau ca niste cupe/pahare ciudate. O tanti mi-a spus ca nu sunt suficient de inalta ca sa ajung acolo, dar am vazul locul ala de mai multe ori si puteam sa ajung acolo fara probleme...
O certam pe o fata din trecutul meu, credeam la un moment dat ca suntem prietene. Ea si 'Madre'... Dupa atatia ani, tot nu esti vindecata... Grup de tipi mi-au zis, aaa, sa o cunoastem si noi - Nu stiu cine e, in mod cert, nu e cineva cu care (mai) vreau sa interactionez. < Toata viata am fost inconjurata de astfel de paraziti, atent selectati pentru fiecare domeniu, eterna scuza, minciuna,_> M-au mintit prin tine, ca sa vizes frumos, sa mai aiba ce 'manca'... Dar asta nu e mancare adevarata, pentru ca eu nu am fost concepuuta asa (?). Am mai vorbit despre asta, este o neintelegere F MARE la mijloc, mai mare decat toate penisurile la care ma gandesc eu cand ma masturbez. Nu ai cum sa faci asa ceva unor oameni, sa ii tii adormiti in minciuna, nu, asta nu e cultivare, nici scoala.
Un tip simpatic (teste ciudate in ceea ce priveste ce simteamcredeam fata de el) s-a apropiat de mine cu burta/pelvisul, si pentru un moment, am vrut sa pun capul acolo, sa ma 'odihnesc'. Nu am mai atins corp de tip de atata amar de vreme, si parea atat de real, ce ocazie buna. Amenintator de aproape :) Dar am simtit ceva si instant eram cu el in alta camera (un hol), amandoi in picioare. Eram trista pentru ce simtisem si i-am spus ceva de genul: Tu nu simteai nimic cand eu simteam toate chestiile alea. Tu simteai doar ce simteam eu, si prin asta te hraneai. Dar nu era nimic autentic (mecanism intrinsec de hranire prin simtire ~ cum ar fi trebui sa fie, ca sa nu vampirizeze ...???) ~ Asta m-a facut f trista si, desi as fi putut sa continui, chiar imi placea tipul, stiind ce am vazut, nu am putut. M-am saturat de nimic.
"Practricam o alchimie pe dos - atingem aurul si-l transformam in plumb; atingem versurile pure ale experientei si acestea se transforma in echivalentele verbale ale aiurelii si ale bazaconiei.
-Nu cumva esti nejustificat de optimist in ceea ce priveste experienta? l-am intrebat eu. E intotdeauna chiar atat de aurie si poetica?
-E in mod intrinsec aurie, starui Rivers. E poetica prin natura ei esentiala. Fireste, insa, ca daca esti varat pana-n gat in aiurelile si bazaconiile pe care ti le servesc formulatorii opiniei publice, vei avea automat tendinta sa-ti corupi inca de la sursa impresiile personale; vei recrea lumea cu imaginile propriilor tale notiuni."
MAYBE, Maybe, shills should stay out of areas of expertise where they are not GOOD for.
I am consistent, for a very long time, in various things, with results RERERERERERERERERE that don't prove anything, because this is not how Life works like.
At this point, I'm not sure it's healthy to care what you heard about me.
The more layers I browse through, the more of the TRAUMA I've been subjected to I understand. I can't even have a fucking 'day off' to HEAL, because nobody has the balls to speak the truth for all 'COmmunity' to see ~ We wouldn't be like this, now. Stop pretending. Nu e despre bani.
Nu vreau sa mai aud nimic...Vreau o pauza... Nimeni nu vorbeste... Totul e impotriva mea... Tot ce spun/selecteaza astia e ce nu am/ce nu am facut in |-| respectiva. I don't get a job because I'm too good & they can't power up places for me (NOT my fault! - Nu exista oferta reala). Also, all jobs are FAKE. You are lied to, si NIMENI NU FACE NIMIC ORICUM.
Deci ce facem?
Am asteptat destul TIMP. Am investit destule resurse. Nu exista explicatie pertinenta sau scuza. Nu am alegere, altii au. Nu vreau sa aleaga altii despre/pentru mine, in special daca i-am refuzat deja politicos, in repetate randuri.
KEYWORDYNICKNAME this is actually like.... working with a sonar at a boat
KEYWORDYNICKNAME listening carefully for hints
Nightbot •Lurking? •Stalking? •Just chatting? Why not follow? Go on... It only costs one click, and I need all the support I can get rn. Much appreciated. Hail!
KEYWORDYNICKNAME @Nightbot well, I expect for a little more before following. But always considering, appreciated
Nightbot Click before it's gone!!! Wait... Here. https://linktr.ee/ishkirawind > There. TY
KEYWORDYNICKNAME more social networks accounts than possible character nuances
KEYWORDYNICKNAME was that a bird?
KEYWORDYNICKNAME finally something kind and merry
KEYWORDYNICKNAME I like the birdie
KEYWORDYNICKNAME I'm here with birdie
ishkira <3
KEYWORDYNICKNAME I don't get anything going on here
ishkira @KEYWORDYNICKNAME Don't worry, everything will be ok
KEYWORDYNICKNAME it was fun, even on my own
KEYWORDYNICKNAME I suspect "somethings"
KEYWORDYNICKNAME but....it was fun making the stream mine in a way
My bird's name is Casio, and he wasn't talking about him. Again, T is not an excuse.
I don't know what all that text meant, I suspect hijacking of my stream/ 'whatevering' & orgasm. I don't know how, I don't even know if I'm interestedto learn about that now. But honestly, being limited to this sort of interactions, weirdness everywhere, is.... nowordsforit. You're not even getting your humiliation food out of this.