19 Jan 2021

*New post*

Cuvinte cuvinte cuvinte cuvinte cuvinte cuvinte
cuvinte cuvinte cuvinte cuvinte cuvinte 

Yeah I .... .... .... ... .... . .... .... .... .... ....... ...


18 Jan 2021

Hey you

"Hey You"

Hey, you!
Out there in the cold
Getting lonely, getting old.
Can you feel me?

Hey, you!
Standing in the aisles
With itchy feet and fading smiles.
Can you feel me?

Hey, you!
Don't help them to bury the light.
Don't give in without a fight.

Hey, you!
Out there on your own
Sitting naked by the phone.
Would you touch me?

Hey, you!
With your ear against the wall
Waiting for someone to call out.
Would you touch me?

Hey, you!
Would you help me to carry the stone?
Open your heart, I'm coming home

But it was only fantasy.
The wall was too high as you can see.
No matter how he tried he could not break free.
And the worms ate into his brain.

Hey, you!
Out there on the road,
Always doing what you're told.
Can you help me?

Hey, you!
Out there beyond the wall,
Breaking bottles in the hall.
Can you help me?

Hey, you!
Don't tell me there's no hope at all.
Together we stand,
Divided we fall.


I wonder what home means for some...

17 Jan 2021

Ceva special ca al meu n-are nimeni si e inutil sa va vorbesc despre asta.

Airbag - Machines and men.

Here they come
Marching on
One by one
They'll be gone

With boots and guns
Shouting loud
Machines and men
They're heaven sent

Here they come
Marching on
One by one
They'll be gone

With boots and guns
Shouting loud
Machines and men
They're heaven sent

I wanna get out
I wanna be free
So come on now
And get me out

I wanna get out
I wanna be free
So come on now
And get me out

I wanna get out

Does it make you afraid
Or drive you insane
You better run
Cause here they come

I wanna get out
I wanna be free
So come on now
And get me out

I wanna get out
I wanna be free
So come on now
And get me out

I wanna get out

I wanna get out


Soen - Lotus

Gather around
All the things that we admire
To be here is where I wanted to be
To abandon who I was
Gather around
As we're pushed towards the fire
We've been tricked into believing that all
Starts and ends within our walls

[Verse 1]
Gather around
Holding close your sons and daughters
Promise them that we will all be alright
Let them know you love them all
Talk to yourself
Let your essence be the answer
While we chase the meaning of who we are
Navigating through a storm

[Verse 2]
Gather around and follow me
Something misled us to this
Wanting it all is poverty
Rich is the one who is free
Be the one who wakes up
All of those who roam

[Guitar solo]

Shake your head to the sides, wake the animal inside of you
Run away from it all, let the wildness be your home
Plant a tree, kill a man, let your instincts be in charge of you
Where you walk, what you dream, measures who you really are

Turn to your friends
Let them face the one you mirror
And the demons that now rest on your side
They will leave you on your own


Nu vreau sa compun imaginea sau povestea cuiva cu care sa fiu... Daca nu e (own will)... WTF am I even doing in here anymore :( S-au folosit de mine pentru... Compuneri si imagini... In trecere prin nimic... Ha Ha Ha Ha. 
In prezentul meu ( ca doar, ce e) continui sa ma intalnesc cu odoruri din trecut, in mod nejustificat neinteresante. Absolut dezgustator si nimic nu mai e fun indiferent cat de 'bine' arata.

Some things I'd like to write about, I can't even write in my own journal.

Thank you for this

16 Jan 2021


Nu vreau sa ma placi. If you're not bothered by what I do with my mind, I don't wanna talk to you!*

< Se cere > = Minciuna. Deci???


Tot ce am zis e la fel, valabil.

I'm not allowed to make it on my own - Or truly be with someone. 

16.01 Rune of the day: Berkana, birch.

Card of the day: Knight of Cups

Measurements: 96-70-97 66kg.


* & If you're bothered, why talk?(We could do something different about it, there's no government, really) LINKS!. Ok... On a certain lvl everything is made up on them. But, something troubles my mind. I said in many ways, hoping the message would get delivered. I'm not ok with that! (for example thinking about 'Empress' keyword, that specific girl's face [It's not about if I like or not or what do I think about; I don't know for sure WHY but something is wrong in this situation. Again, I hear about the Parking issue, and again, I say: I'm not a car ~ It's been too long, It's been too long...]). So, I'm not ok with that for myself, or others (if there was a lesson to be learned all data is available by now, same thing with the same thing, again the reason with beta & reset, I can't reason with this anymore. What's expected of me, in the end, is a weird form of SELF HARM, implicitly I harm others too, unknowingly, especially since it's about links...for... Them... Then the Potion Masters waste their resources as well and all we do is... What I already said... Nothing.

15 Jan 2021

No title




Vazut in incinta fostei mele scoli - looks like a guy 2 me, lol.

Weird looking dude with a huge hat with many eyes.


14 Jan 2021

dream fragments




"How soon will I be able to trust again?"
How soon is now(?)
I trust now.
Everybody wants my love & nobody really wants my love, at the same time, is not the paradox that History was built for.
*deep sigh*


2 Leaves




Dream fragments:

Ar fi trebuit sa fie o priza (punct de alimentare) pentru un radio mic. (?) dar erau 2 lampi/becuri invers, prinse aproape de tavan. Aratau ca niste cupe/pahare ciudate. O tanti mi-a spus ca nu sunt suficient de inalta ca sa ajung acolo, dar am vazul locul ala de mai multe ori si puteam sa ajung acolo fara probleme...

O certam pe o fata din trecutul meu, credeam la un moment dat ca suntem prietene. Ea si 'Madre'... Dupa atatia ani, tot nu esti vindecata... Grup de tipi mi-au zis, aaa, sa o cunoastem si noi - Nu stiu cine e, in mod cert, nu e cineva cu care (mai) vreau sa interactionez. < Toata viata am fost inconjurata de astfel de paraziti, atent selectati pentru fiecare domeniu, eterna scuza, minciuna,_> M-au mintit prin tine, ca sa vizes frumos, sa mai aiba ce 'manca'... Dar asta nu e mancare adevarata, pentru ca eu nu am fost concepuuta asa (?). Am mai vorbit despre asta, este o neintelegere F MARE la mijloc, mai mare decat toate penisurile la care ma gandesc eu cand ma masturbez. Nu ai cum sa faci asa ceva unor oameni, sa ii tii adormiti in minciuna, nu, asta nu e cultivare, nici scoala. 

Un tip simpatic (teste ciudate in ceea ce priveste ce simteamcredeam fata de el) s-a apropiat de mine cu burta/pelvisul, si pentru un moment, am vrut sa pun capul acolo, sa ma 'odihnesc'. Nu am mai atins corp de tip de atata amar de vreme, si parea atat de real, ce ocazie buna. Amenintator de aproape :) Dar am simtit ceva si instant eram cu el in alta camera (un hol), amandoi in picioare. Eram trista pentru ce simtisem si i-am spus ceva de genul: Tu nu simteai nimic cand eu simteam toate chestiile alea. Tu simteai doar ce simteam eu, si prin asta te hraneai. Dar nu era nimic autentic (mecanism intrinsec de hranire prin simtire ~ cum ar fi trebui sa fie, ca sa nu vampirizeze ...???) ~ Asta m-a facut f trista si, desi as fi putut sa continui, chiar imi placea tipul, stiind ce am vazut, nu am putut. M-am saturat de nimic.


"Practricam o alchimie pe dos - atingem aurul si-l transformam in plumb; atingem versurile pure ale experientei si acestea se transforma in echivalentele verbale ale aiurelii si ale bazaconiei.

-Nu cumva esti nejustificat de optimist in ceea ce priveste experienta? l-am intrebat eu. E intotdeauna chiar atat de aurie si poetica?

-E in mod intrinsec aurie, starui Rivers. E poetica prin natura ei esentiala. Fireste, insa, ca daca esti varat pana-n gat in aiurelile si bazaconiile pe care ti le servesc formulatorii opiniei publice, vei avea automat tendinta sa-ti corupi inca de la sursa impresiile personale; vei recrea lumea cu imaginile propriilor tale notiuni." 

Aldous Huxley