24 Jul 2021
17 Jul 2021
Podcast: https://anchor.fm/dashboard/episode/e14ir04
Orgasm video (15.07):
Orgasm video (de azi):
MFC club sale: 28% off till the end of the month.
-> https://share.myfreecams.com/GoddessAzra/codes/cacat
Thank you for supporting me.
14 Jul 2021
Despre masturbare/orgasme.
Nu mi-a placut niciodata (nimic)
Despre ego death: pentru mine, nu inseamna sa ma gandesc la alte fetze/corpuri/chestii pe care nu le-as face, in timp ce ma masturbez sau nu. [As fi facut mai mult din [colaborativ-sa colaborez,sa nu fie impotriva vointei mele] sa ma gandesc la alte fetze/corpuri/chestii pe care nu le-as face daca mi-ar fi fost indeplinite conditiile minime: Pauza, repaus, healing, sa invat ]
Nu mi-a placut niciodata.
Cifrele inregistrate intelese gresit si folosite mereu imptriva mea
Nu mai vreau sa repet
Nu am pentru/cu cine. Pentru altii nici tu nu ai face nimic, daca nu stii ce faci.
Lumina =/= orgasm.
Nu mai ini dati durere pentru ca nu vreau sa fac (orice)
Nu sunt parcata. Daca nu postez -oricate- zile nu inseamna ca nu exist,am murit,etc., nu mai vreau sa mi se sugereze ca daca nu postez 'nu exist' ~ Eu nu m-am bagat niciodata cu nimeni la nimic unde lucrurile sa functioneze asa.
Daca postez nu inseamna ca imi pasa (de voi, de oricine),
Daca nu postez nu inseamna ca nu imi pasa (de voi, de oricine).
Nu mai vreau sa mi se sugereze ca un EL care m-ar interesa pe mine e undeva online si doar daca postez am o sansa sa fiu auzita de el. E stupid/lame. Orice catre care m-ar indruma altii nu e ceea ce caut (nu e ceea ce vreau).
11 Jul 2021
7 Jul 2021
5 Jul 2021
Here I lie
In a lost and lonely part of town
Held in time
In a world of tears I slowly drown
Goin' home
I just can't make it all alone
I really should be holding you
Holding you
Loving you, loving you
When the feeling's gone and you can't go on
It's tragedy
When the morning cries and you don't know why
It's hard to bear
With no one to love you, you're
Goin' nowhere
When you lose control and you got no soul
It's tragedy
When the morning cries and you don't know why
It's hard to bear
With no one beside you, you're
Goin' nowhere
[Instrumental Interlude]
Night and day
There's a burning down inside of me
Burning love
With a yearning that won't let me be
Down I go
And I just can't take it all alone
I really should be holding you
Holding you
Loving you, loving you
When the feeling's gone and you can't go on
It's tragedy
When the morning cries and you don't know why
It's hard to bear
With no one to love you, you're
Goin' nowhere
When you lose control and you got no soul
It's tragedy
When the morning cries and you don't know why
It's hard to bear
With no one beside you, you're
Goin' nowhere
[Instrumental Interlude]
When the feeling's gone and you can't go on
It's tragedy
When the morning cries and you don't know why
It's hard to bear
With no one to love you, you're
Goin' nowhere
When you lose control and you got no soul
It's tragedy
When the morning cries and your heart just died
It's hard to bear
With no one beside you, you're
Goin' nowhere
When the feeling's gone and you can't go on
It's tragedy
When the morning cries and you don't know why
It's hard to bear
With no one to love you, you're
Goin' nowhere
When you lose control and you got no soul
It's tragedy
When the morning cries and your heart just died
It's hard to bear
With no one beside you, you're
Goin' nowhere
When the feeling's gone and you can't go on
It's tragedy
When the morning cries and you don't know why
It's hard to bear
With no one to love you, you're
Goin' nowhere
28 Jun 2021
nu stiu
Rune: Perthro
Card: The Star
• Not feeling too well... (more) noise since yday - I don't like/ + same thing, nothing to do for real... Same "illusions"/ lies = THE reality + I can't dream. Pain when I think certain stuff. Like: Don't tell me what to do. Keywords/execute. It's been too long & I NEVER agreed! :( 💔 Asa ceva ar fi contat doar daca as fi fost de acord pe fata, friendly... ~~~
! Nu ma intereseaza ca/daca e casa cuiva! Momentele alea nu au insemnat nimic pentru mine cu adevarat (*)
- "New" Twitch guy? Bulgarian Language nu inseamna nimic altceva pt. mine oricum, decat ce a fost 2019-2020 cu Twitch guy. (!)
- Money? Srsly? Money - love life - nu pot vbi asa. Not my problem translation errors/incorrect shit care reie din asta. :(
(*) ORICE (ALL) memories I have since that time when "I loved him" ~ thoughts, moods,ideas, ALL. Even now (every day) being played (as memories) in my head. Not my choice/not my liking. Ce ma deranjeaza si mai rau e ca semnalul trimis(de catre mine) e gresit. (!prob main reason why these memories are still played in my head. Not genuine psyche stuff - Not mine - not heart stuff - not genuine progression towards anything). Semnalul trimis e: I like/ I miss/ nostalgie. Etc. :( 💔 This is rape. Against my will. Simt ca ce treb sa invat e f. simplu. Nu mi se arata detaliile si nu e din categoria secret/ocult. Daca as vedea, as putea sa vb. in cuvinte despre asta... Eu nu cred nimic gen: nu se vrea asta. Nu cred in nici o poveste(narrative) ~ Viteza de calcul nu e folosita cum treb. <WITHIN> -> asa pot sa invat eu, si e ...... ca depind de altii ( nu are nimic de-a face cu banii) ca sa invat... My lvl... I'm not selfish... I don't mock anyone... Instant - reglare de conturi.
Nu vreau pe nimeni as long as I don't learn what happened(What it meant).All.Full version. ♥ it's the only good way. Not interpretations. 1 version only.(many details. 1 story. {}) Has nothing 2 do with religion.
Pain. mockery. Too much time. Lack of honesty.
Don't ask me to hate words. If you have probl. like that, prob. I wasn't even talking 2 u. It's someone's choice 2 do this shit to me. Every day :(
Dreamt Casio's cage was different. With soil & bug nests? Weird bugs. Like cicadas, but shorter wings. I admired them. Dunno the symbolism.