18 Dec 2020

Cooking with Laura

 Small sequence.

Reteta personala - CIORBA.

Varianta: cu pui si smantana.

Ingrediente: 4 chicken wings, 2 onions, cooking oil(I used sunflower), turmeric, seasoning, Himalayan salt, Borsch (1L), 1 cup cream (20%fat), 4 potatoes, handful of fresh parsley, 

Timp de preparare: Necontorizat. {>60% a good time }

Am calit ceapa in putin ulei, am pus si niste turmeric, apoi am adaugat apa, aripioare de pui si baza pentru mancaruri cu legume deshidratate.

\/\/\/\/\/\/ Morcovii


Pozez ingrediente

In timp ce gateam am baut ceai de macese - f bun.

Dupa ~ o ora si jumatate, am decis ca e momentul bun sa scot carnea

Am adaugat restul ingredientelor si patrunjelul proaspat taiat

Am lasat carnea la racit



Am dezosat si maruntit carnea, apoi am adaugat-o la ciorba.


Am adaugat smantana.

I'm not crazy, I just like art.

Am omogenizat

Am descoperit ce se afla in spatele frigiderului din bucataria asta:

Si cat curent am consumat in mai putin de o luna (aaaaa ~ 50) WTF.
Cei din familia mea {costumele de carne(?)} ii ziceau "Lumina".
E masurat consumul de curent electric.
Pe factura scrie: Energie electrica.
In biserica am vazut teancuri cu Ziarul Lumina.

I'm confused.

Care apa?
Si ce legatura au toate astea cu 'faptul' ca sunt eu parcata. (?)
O aparenta ciudata.
Sigur e ceva aiurea, dar atat de usor de descifrat, daca...

Almost done


Rezultatul final

Foarte buna ciorba,

{Eu prefer ciorba cu putin mai putina grasime, dar e buna si asa, mai ales pe vremea asta ;)}


Be well

Happy Holidays 

[What do holidays mean for you, anyway? ;)]

Time off 'job'?




But you're...

Oh wait..

You never mentioned...

You can but

There's something else.




16 Dec 2020

Nothing else.

Din jurnal: Pain and humiliation. Nothing else. I just want to wake up from this nightmare. Nobody is genuine... html? Intentions... Get lost in the fog... All of them... Can't believe my life is as is now, I hear excuses for everything, NOTHING is done, and I can't even have ONE


Thank you for reporting but I don't know how to interpret it. I am Whole, in a different way than made up of all the things I receive hints about.
Sometimes I freak out because I feel as if you keep assuming wrong things about ME.

My feet :)

A view that put a smile on my face

Soft skin 

Experimenting with ....

Please, once and for EVER. Understand. 'Tipping' me in the form or *that thing* IS NOT GOOD/Right/ correct. Only leads to 0. Nothing. 
The more time passes the worse the lies get. I DON'T want to participate! Spirit guides would NEVER imply that I am Parked because I AM NOT A CAR. You're damn stupid if after months you still choose 2 pester me with this empty shit. I AM NOT A CAR. Body as I have is not car 4 soul to make time travel. Only Zero I hear from u & ppl like u, it hurts me; I have nothing else in my life {For real SOUL growth}.
Someone chose this for me!!!
I can't do anything, really.
Only waste time.
It's not all a show. It's shit.
U always gone in a timely manner, before another jerk showed up & isolated the room/screen so signal can't be heard/seen.
0 chances; 0 choices.
I adapt to any situation.
But what has been served to me lately is not worthy of that word.


Sometimes I freak out because I feel as if you keep assuming wrong things about ME. Thank you for reporting but I don't know how to interpret it. I am
  Whole, in a different way than made up of all the things I receive hints about.

New video:


Pee, shit, crystal, earbuds, quickie, whatever.
Got the suggestions in weird ways, as if my eyes were automaticly focusing on certain keywords around me, t e or what?
For who am I doing this?
I was asking for help {Writing in my journal, thinking about angels not money}
What are you Sponsoring me with?
How do you know that is what I seek/asked for?

I felt something more too
As if you care.
But that's impossible.
How would I know?
Because of how I see the world around me with these eyes.
Only the lies persist.

Who orgasms where?
I am not happy.
But you don't seem to be willing to understand my sadness either.
Well, It's your own misery as well.
How will we ever heal?
I am totally not into group sex.
I am not poly {polyamorous}.
This doesn't mean I dislike poly ppl. 
*deep pain*
Same shit on repeat.
I can't take this shit anymore.

Sponsor, I have nothing to have a life with, you are probably wasting ur resources, just as I waste my Time doing Anything I DO.

Please, fix ur shit.
No, not u.

~ We're still talking through words ~


Long game?

Only losers.

I don't want to talk to losers anymore.
There's no Beta btw, zbang.

Nu, nu ma simt pedepsita. 
Nu nu inca, ci deloc! 
E doar stupid! 
Si inseamna chestii de care eu habar nu am pe deasupra. Hi u smalldick, ur not a beta to me. 

No alpha to be found just jerks. 
(I looked Everywhere! Sorry cute buns.) ~ Noalpha, no beta. No alphabetaaay!




14 Dec 2020

Thoughts from my diary


Weird mood. Weird sleep. Not in the mood for Anything that's available to me. Same shit. Dunno what to write. I look back @ past months / year, and I can't believe (my) life got to this ... Nothing done, despite everything "we do". 💧
Tot ce fac e degeaba. Nu imi place sa postez zilnic pe <retelele de socializare>, oricum nu stiu ce sunt cu adev. !!! Cand eu nici macar 1 Friend nu am / cu cine sa vorbesc , someone like me, ca de chestii prin care trece oricine sunt satula.  Umilitor de stupid.... Totul. {Cand am scris asta am avut iar parte de o interactiune cu cineva care Greseste, la cele mai fine niveluri, in oglinda, pe dos. Doar pentru ca mi se da cu ciocanul in cap si aud 1 (unuul) nu inseamna ca-s proasta sau ca trece orice prin mine cum mi s-a sugerat; Prin mine altii nu pot 'intra' cu adevarat, pe cand, cu orice alt corp (real - carne) interactionez eu, mereu trec nenumarati, si nu, nu vreau sa invat mai mute despre asta, pt ca e clar ceva gresit la mjloc, si doare...} ~ Am mai vorbit despre asta, totul... Degeaba... Cand intentia buna incepe sa fie detectabila, ceva nu este permis. DOARE ATAT DE TARE. Nu, nu am depresii, am depresiuni pe corp, si nimeni sa le exploreze (In afara de mine, dar, stii cat de ciudat e sa simt ca ...Hmm.. Cuiva ii place cand fac eu anumite chestii... Dar nici nu stiu cine e... Ar putea crede orice ar auzi despre mine... Eu nu pot sa ii arat nimic / Vede ce e invatat sa vada in sistemul lui si dupa Configuratii... Ce aiurea... Atat de singuri... Niciodata singuri. Zero.


No words...

• My type (way) of Random... Better than any random random I'd random... while trying to keep up with... It's Hell!
(real) Love is not Boring (ever).
Please, wake up, help me wake up or leave me alone... All I hear is No... The one that whispers in ur ears... is not real, not to mention Not a Woman, Haha.
I am. I'm tired of the same... No progress...It hurts too much... Tired of crying in vain... No real helping hand... Only Lies.... & hands caught in <not free>... I can live fine without cigarettes (smoking) it's just that... I prefer spending time smoking & ... or ... than doing those things without smoking.... Like a friend who need not say anything... Nobody got us right yet.... Hurts so much.... What are you, when you're not the tobacco that burns in my cigarette...Nothing? How unfortunate... Teach me how I can be like you... I'd rather be Nothing than this disgusting lie that my life has been this year... Nothing to learn
Nothing to do
Nothing to see
Nothing to love {You can't love while... ...} -> Not My Choice.... ;) .....
Of course I know how to.... And it's not a sample... Cause love is not a product... There is no money.... I don't have where to refuge... Warm open arms, they told me that's expensive. HaHaHaHaHaHaHa.
We are doomed.
Happy drowning!

⚝ Tot ce fac e degeaba. Astia ma umilesc cu kkturile lor X sau ce-o mai fi... E atat de aiurea sa aud anumite chestii... I was never allowed to get a real friend and when I get the "feels" : 1. I can't even learn more bout what that means or simply Enjoy it. 2. Smth "quickly" happens so the good feeling vanishes or it gets out of tune; NIMIC. Nu invat nimic. Nu fac nimic. This is no life. Imi e scarba de tot. Cand ma gandesc la toate recomandarile lor, degeaba... De luni de zile... It's SO BAD....


Me & Petko my cat.
{Thinking about my cat/whatever animal drinking water/eating, so I can access modules and Stimulate triggers or WHATEVER THAT IS that happens, so I get an orgasm, while  masturbating.. It's SO HUMILIATING for me, I KNOW (but not how) this sort of thing can't be Healthy sexuality for us... I feel sooooo bad I'm doing that; It was suggested to me that 'I get a tip' from a guy, or ?? when I can access certain modules easier in my mind, as I masturbate... That's so confusing.... And again, I don't think this is healthy/good sex stuff. *sigh* ~ After SO LONG TIME -more imho than was needed to process data about this- nobody seems to really get it or do Anything! All I hear is... Come....Come....Or....Nothing,,,, It's all Nothing for me... While every aspect of my life goes more and more bad & humiliating.... What is time anyway.... We always forget...}
Take care.


13 Dec 2020


Ce facem noi acum... Nu e nimic de castigat, nimic de pierdut... Cat de stupid poate fi totul, aici unde sunt acum. Nu sunt deloc pesimista, doar trista. Prea repede / prea incet / Deloc.