31 Dec 2020


Latest podcast: Citesc din Filozofia Hermetica


I was playing a game today on my phone and I saw it had a feature to record footage, ok,

Fooled around for a bit, here is the result: Playing Deep Town

Making a list of all the games I have on my phone right now, not sure why, maybe to check it after a while and giggle. I like trying out new games with various art styles. I don't play them to 'kill time' or because I'm bored, something indescribable perhaps. I always had an interesting relationship with games and never really understood why. 

One of the things I'm grateful for this year, that is slowly approaching it's end (LOL), was how I felt I was interacting differently with some things in the games I play(ed), even if, that didn't really lead anywhere, it was something more than just enjoyment for me. Not sure why. If all this was just for...masturbation/keywords suggestions, then... *sigh*... Only strengthening what I kept on saying for the past... Umm... Well... PAST? :O 

Iron Saga 

Cut the Rope

I Love Hue

I Love Hue Too

Final Fantasy Record Keeper

Merge Dragons!

A Girl Adrift

Bistro Heroes



Om Nom: Merge

Starry Garden

Alphabear 2

Bushido Bear


Monster Chef


My Music Tower

Kawaii Kitchen


Monkey Roll

Sailor Cats


Fluffy! Cute Character Lunchbox

Dessert Shop ROSE Bakery

animal restaurant

Mama Hawk

Deep Town




Much love,


30 Dec 2020





If you don't stop, I'll kill you!

4 orgasms ~ Part I and Part II - 2 orgasms each ~ #GoddessAzra #whatevering:


I'm so tired of all.
Every day is a waste of everything.
What was life supposed to be?
*Nobody talks*
And if the one I want to see can't be seen with my eyes - why TF do I have eyes for? [Me] 

30.12.20 00.39
Had 4 orgasms made 20tkns. That's not the problem. The problem is the same as ever. A mountain of lies that looks like thrash. [in our heads]. No love. Borrowed flavors. But from who? I want to choose. I want to choose. What's happening now, on most if not all lvls. Is so wrong. No love. No comfort. My head is not room for whatever T&C has access to because X & S or whatever. That's not a choice. Will. Intent. Energy. So miscalculated. I want to die but death doesn't come for me. I have literally nothing to live 4. My life is a nightmare. Surrounded by Godless. 
I don't care that they give me pain. Choice? No. Nobody 2 love. Doing nothing all daylooking at my fish is a better life than all this shit. I want to "see them dead" = never again hear from ??? Liars.
Doing that to my mind (thoughts!) is not Anal play. FFS. It's our world. Not yours. Who made this possible? It's schemed. Stupid too. Zero. Not making anything. I've outgrown those who gave me no choice. Pls don't tell me that T so u have to continue to do this to me. Please. They T[ed] me too and at best, I was ashamed of myself. Never use that as excuse. I saw as 0. Nothing.
I know we need not wait 4 betterment. Zbang & Smth instant.
-wrong type of red as usual. Red=life not the nonsense I'm served [given without real choice].
I'm pissed because how we do things now is v unhealthy :P

*Nobody talks*

*Nobody talks*
*Nobody talks*

Daca traiesti pentru altii, n-o sa traiesti niciodata pentru tine {Sa stii cu adevarat insemnatatea acestor cuvinte}
Daca nu traiesti pentru tine ~ nu vei fi niciodata cu mine.

Abia apoi poti invata
Sa traiesti cu
Sa traiesti prin
Si alte chestii interesante
Mie, cel putin 
{Si daca ar fi sa te aleg, logic ca si tie}

Nu imi mai explica ce auzi, te rog
FMM era o injuratura in liceu 

Eu sunt eu

29 Dec 2020



I know how to waste time way better than what I'm told to do to waste time.
I can't continue like this anymore.

Pretty tail

Playing with me

Look at me!

I know it ♥

I'm still bothered on a daily basis by
Not nonsense that could potentially lead somewhere because


When I look at what I can see
All I feel like doing

Nothing, where are you?
Get over here, I want to do you some more.
You're probably the only friend I ever have


Why the fuck do I still bother.

I don't know.

Oh, I don't like these words.

If G was right we wouldn't be doing this shit now like this.

"The way"
"The one"

All my life.... Was puke of bad food at best.

Thanks for making it smell nice though but...

You wasted my time....
And I wasted yours..


28 Dec 2020


 Is there anything left between the lies you tell me and the lies you like to hear? :)

Din iunie si pana acum

Nici macar o pauza nenorocita {Nu, nu numai de atunci, dar am devenit nostalgica recitind niste tweeturi}

Dar ploua cu pretentii

Non stop

Oriunde ma uit.

Asta e viata mea?

De-asta m-am nascut?

Ca sa nu fac chiar Nimic?

Sa asist la un Nimic plictisitor si nici macar Plictisita sa nu pot fi?






Give Me My Thing!
Give Me My Thing!

Give Me My Thing!


27 Dec 2020


 Mai devreme am fost pe afara... Nu aveam nevoie de nimic in mod special. La intrarea intr-un magazin, am fost atentionata de Dl. Paznic sa imi pun masca. De obicei nu ezit sa port masca pe afara, ca doar e musai, nu? Dar azi am uitat-o in buzunar. Ploua si simteam ca nu pot sa respir cu masca pe fata. Bun.. Domnul a fost amabil, m-am scuzat si m-am intors cautand masca, sa mi-o pun ca sa pot intra in magazin. Pana sa termin, s-a intamplat ceva ce nu am chef sa descriu in amanunt (e vba de o alta muiere interactionand cu 'Paznicul') ~ M-a intristat aceasta intamplare, cometitia pulii... Eu nu am competitie :) ~ Daca nu ma crezi, nu ma intereseaza. Nu spun asta ca sa fiu crezuta. Spun asta pt. ca stiu si pt ca doare (Nimicul dintre noi).
