Michel Owner & Founder Canna Bio Swiss din Smardan 28 &/or Crew, or J, or whoever responsible.
Pentru ca mi-am pus chestia asta pe fata (face), chiar este nevoie de atata kkt si minciuni? Ca apoi tot eu sa fiu cea 'vinovata'?
Asta e doar un mic detaliu din cate chestii m-au enervat azi. Enervat/suparat/intristat, nici nu stiu care e cuvantul potrivit. E mult prea mult timp de cand am parte de astfel de 'tratament'.
For the record. Michel e numele unchiului meu din Germania (Povestea cu costumele de carne) ~ Desi pt mine keywords nu conteaza asa, cand ma pregateam sa ma bag la munca ma gandeam la ce produse am cu iarba si cum vai, primerul ala e cu iarba, ce bine. Chiar cand am terminat ma suna de la acea firma (mentioned in 1st line) si ca sa vezi, cate keyworduri... Sunt bagate pe gat... cui???
Nest building, that's what we do?
Nu, nu imi spune iar ca 'vad ca Laura', nu imi imaginam un cuib asa. Indiferent de insemnatate, ceva nu e bine, si NIMENI nu face nimic in aceasta privinta.
Thank you for supportin' & the pointers/comments I get. De cele mai multe ori insa cand imi e dat de inteles ca..Cineva e ON now (what for me is now) NU STIU cine e, deci nu stiu cum sa il abordez. Sper sa isi dea seama de asta.

How I earned 1$ 17 cents.
Guy enters room.
I start getting visuals (e?) about what he might be interested in seeing/experiencing.
He says that thing to me (pic below, 1st chat bubble); I ask him (trying to be kind) about what he really meant by what he said. Because I KNOW It's not literal, and the poor way of using words made that obvious. I get no reply. I try to imagine more, then I start getting pestered (pushed on triggers, stinky feet and mouth ones). I ask in a jokingly manner if I'm talking to a human or a robot, because If that's the case (robot) I might be interested, but in other ways (trying to have a good time ffs. NOT BECAUSE I roleplay as Dom, that's what I'd do with anyone, indiferent de raport..). Knowing that's what 'he wanted' to hear, I raised my voice, Not really yelling. "You are not able to comprehend that right now" (about the ways in which I'd enjoy the dialogue if I knew he is a robot).
It's not that double domming is not my thing. But this sort of s(h)it(uation) happens in all areas of my life, not only when I log to 'work'. :)
I said There's no need for that meaning there's no need to be so rude/mean. Posting that after he left the room because I talk in weird ways and still don't know how I'm heard. I then decided to screenshot it and add it to this blog post (editing - I got private just as I was editing smth to this post) & I felt weird thought: WE MADE YOU WRITE THAT. So you'll be confused, upset, and doubt yourself some more if you should post this on your site as the impulse we already knew about before you even had the idea ~ shit type of thing.
Don't tell me something is wrong with me, pls. Not anymore.
Thanks for the money! I'll get some beer.
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