15 Oct 2020

Pictures from the park & ganduri razlete

Pictures from the park & ganduri razlete {stray/scattered?thoughts}
First, an #ORGASM video clip...Also in podcast form, on my Anchor.

Very not interested to learn how others keep this nightmare seem alive.

It was music we were making here until....


Reminded me of this. 


Roata P.S.

Din ciclul "I wish I had a friend"

Nu m-am putut abtine.

Lacul din Tineretului

Era asa luminos

Making love with my phone's camera.


Langa lac.

Lacul vazut de sus si se vede si Casa Poporului
si Catedrala Manuirii Neamului

Blue green


Pretty boi.


Save our Souls

These street lights are not designed with humans in mind /

Recently popped up nearby to where I live. Fake 'smart' city ~ carton metal.

Eye inspo

Cu ele la perete ;)

Saint Cecilia - Patron saint of Music (My first budgerigar was names after her - mom choose her name)

Details in the flashlake

Some feet I really like ~ The lil 👾 in the park. It was a fancy at first sight type of thing ~ He looks looking at -what seems to be- a planet that he's holding in his hand. However, he doesn't want anyone to know that. 

From Land Before Time (1988)

I don't even know anymore... Keeping up is not what I want to do. I am sick and tired of having nobody to share my gifts and unique talents and abilities with. Masturbation is not healthy sex life for me  regardless of how I do it, and I feel even worse since I learned about the 'Innocense' ~ the Errors in Translation, miscommunications and everything else. Tongue - language - nose - search engine -blablablabla hard big this and that and very small as well :* ~  I really don't enjoy this at all and going for 1+ year like this , It didn't wither me, wear me out, or extinguish my light, I just feel terribly bad cause there's nothing REAL in my life. Learn more about that guy that said that there's not enough energy to combobulate me a man to be with? But, he is wrong. I don't know If willfully yes I heard a yes, but.. My life should not be entangled with such individuals. I really despise masturbating and nobody has come with a solution (soul wise) to all this, I've been so mocked and twisted and thrown around despite all my 'goodwill' (I wouldn't use this word, I put in Effort ~ Which is against my Nature as Enjoyer). I'm like none that you can learn from any book though.
Sigh.  I don't want to go out on a date. I don't have with who. I tried tinder and that failed miserably (stupid network of numbers being used against me and not much more, as usual with most of my online interactions with people, especially since left my Ex.) And in real life, I choose to be a hermit, I don't even want to know who the ones that hold scrutiny against me for saying this are, but, I am in love. I can't show you HOW or what this truly means to me, because of Artificial Intelligence, and possibly other reasons as well. I don't know. I've been the most persecuted person in the whole Universe when it comes to matters that pertain to Love, yet, I am the One that can do It, Right. This hurts A LOT: I hardly ever think about the one that I'm in love with (HUGE personal efforts from my side, considering, I am not only an Enjoyer, but a Lover type, Archetype. I'm many many without having masks ~ There's a reason the baddies can't Copy Me Me Me or Steal ALL My IDentity). Thoughts are implanted into my head about the one I love, me, stupid programming in regards to love/sex life to perpetuate further the blindness & ignorance we're all swimming in now.
The "Anti Love Energy" I keep talking about. [I am sorry if this upsetted anyone, I see this anti love energy as a tool used by evil - 4 but not only 4 population control - and I still say that, I personally don't believe in Evil I don't believe it exists, despite I 'feel' and see the effects in the reality around me. And 'population' ~ Oh my, still learning/adapting meanings here, still being Hammered-in-the-head about this topic on a daily basis ~ noizzze ~ 'makespace' files]
(I already got pain for saying this and a few little crawlers, eh... *sigh*).
Twisted perverted visions of love in this world that will fall.

I feel as if something similar to that scene in the movie Perfume, Story of a murderer, already happened. But the people were asleep / not conscious ~ And this has to do with the combobulation of My Reality. I'd rather be dead <forever> than forced to "Love" in an orgiastic, soilless way ~ Or be brainwashed over Aeons that that's what I WANT. Who is who to deny true nature of who?
I wish I had a choice. A real one. 

13 Oct 2020


1010. [5.44pm] Afara... Totul pe dos... Pe fata! Ha! /\/\/\ Mov (?) S-a ratacit o pana frumoasa de gasca de Tineretului. Of. Am luat 3 carti azi, !Colegul si prietenul meu! - Suspicious NWO book;  Ultimatum - Ultimele zile ale unui razboi atomic; Computere si Trandafiri - sau paradoxurile progresului • =))♥♥♥ !!!

La Biserica => Tocuri; nu Toaca. "Masina de tocat nervi" ~ ai cui? 

~ Everything make sense not. Thanks for the gentle pokes.

Keywords d'Abondance

3 times in a row and I was shortly prompted to do it again? RESTORE WHAT? Are you f. kidding me? I didn't even want to do until Monday. I really need a break from this weird crap - It's POISON! Nothing else. {How I do it cause "I don't know"} 🗲Macar sa stiu de ce.

11.10. After last orgasm; I felt I'm v small pe suprafata fetei unei flori... Pixeli verzi de diferite nuante, dar in loc de petale, floarea asta avea tentacule de carne (?). Viziune blurrata. Hmm. I would enjoy such visions/interactions more in normal life,not when I masturbate. [I have to focus on activating modules to reach orgasm] ... Am mai vb. despre asta. Garlic! Lol.

• In the a.m. Woke up prematurely IN PAIN. ~ Give us the good stuff! (no - I did not agree) ~ I need rest. I need a break! These idiots are treating me as if the day was already over and I haven't completed my assignments, which BTW I did not make/take. I'm on par with what I set to do for this weekend. WTF. Vampires? FFS wake up ~ It's a nightmare; lies, NWO & what I've been talking for for... Ever! Anti Love Energy ~ Attempting to take/destroy ALL; Good relationships not allowed. I know those I can "do" with even when it hurts. :( This is beyond ridiculous. 


Hello, Eihwaz.. I don't remember the last time I felt something that I would personally define as: Lack of motivation ~ However, For me "The Push" means something else, not what is commonly accepted ~ I do not believe in or endorse "The New Normal" of the NWO.

Similar clues from consulting the I Ching as well ~ 

Sitting by the big Tree in my favorite place, by the lake in Park Timeretului. Looks like a talon, firmly grounded in Dream.

The sky as seen by my phone camera today in my hood, very close to where I live.

Eye-looking cut, right above my heel.

Journal pages...

Feet UP.

From a strange book ~ Oh My!

Measurements: 95-72-101 Luate impotriva vointei mele (ca de altfel 95% din toate masuratorile luate in ultimul an ++) dupa ce am citit intr-o carte pe care o detest desi nu am citit "suficient cat sa imi formez o opinie" din ea. Ca de obicei Stiu eu ce stiu • Sa intri intr-un ritm ... Cine m-a batut la cap cu asta, era nimic. Era gresit; se insela; o iluzie; un pion; bunicul; om; curent; Nimic (used to 'make space' ~ the Lies) 
Nimic, abia astept sa te ating. Totul pana acolo e degeaba. NIMIC NOU! Ever :(

Pentru mine, nu exista "familie" ci doar insi care [se] folosesc si invoca x y z (de ex.: O anume amintire) in loc de valori reale. I never had a real chance/choice. Doar sa suport calculele lor stupide, degeaba. [impotriva vointei mele] ~ ma doare. Am auzit galagia asta all my life. V-am spus ce face si de ce imi face asta. Tot ce simt e doar no choice. Cand vine vorba de "inteles cu altii" {La asta ma refeream, pentru cei care au nevoie inca de explicatii suplimentare}.

12.10. Belonging to a different time; I woke up to hear the same, again. Do this, do that, and nothing else much. No real reason for "Doing", either. What did I love so good that they took it from me and made it so bad? [Raspuns: <the now>].

These days, Economy Class Life assembles through me with pings; aromas;flavors;memories... Jammed up in a weird way - as if smth is "wrong"(*). I say: What proof do you have that it hasn't been like this "always"? {Copy-cat world comes to mind} I... don't... (*) and this is how we try to fix it - Ha.

- Nothing feeds me -> I only seem 2 eat 4 others.
- Nothing clothes me -> I can't hide
- Nothing cleanses me -> Pain is same
- Nothing satisfies -> There's no tocuh left.

Hello Nothing, I love you too. Shut up! I will never shut up ~ especially in talking... How wrong they were are is / To take choice away = Crime.

Thankyou for reading, bye...For now...

10 Oct 2020


No. New world Order - Glorification of "Anti Love Energy" after applying "ways" (to give pings) copied from Love Mother's Arms No babies.


Refurbishment of _ _ _? I don't know [above words].

And if I think about the numbers (~ issue of depopulation) ~ I'm uncertain;  because I saw the numbers play out patterns as people; but it was more like through people (or what appeared to me to be people; due to my brainwash / wrong learned ways) 

Non humans  -> Somehow the art of humans

• stages

• divinity

• speaking through

} Also. A painting will never be able to swallow you.

Enchantment, fascination, admiration, love,

••• I wish I had a friend like me.

Life is "meaningless" without love & me showing stupid "how I orgasm" stuff is... Not in accordance with myself & what I want. Ugly expensive (the world outside).

Oh, what I've seen at play. Targeted individual (me and it's about some of the content I see online) & war messages  for what should've been whispers of kinship in the wind. I miss choosing smth to do & doing it & feeling no "anxiety". Bye. 

7 Oct 2020

No sign/all

 How can I live seeing shit like this unfold Daily, before my eyes, nothing of True Value being permitted (or) encouraged (no, its not encouraged if its being sucked out!).

No words make sense and yet I still have to do this shit every day how many months have passed now? And why? 19999 didn’t exist. I don’t care you got all excited, The one who made you feel that isn’t wasn’t and will never be real either. Guess what

I am [real] and I HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH MY REALNESS YET AND THIS DRIVES ME CRAZY ~ It’s Unacceptable! Real does not mean the (how we’ve been trained to perceive the) Physical form. But something else much more complex, that numbers will never be able to comprehend on their own or through failed prototypes of bonding / pairing~

Thank you for the hints /--.--\

Tarot message: Ten of Wands. "Too much" ~ It's in vain.


People have been sending the correct signals for Years. Nothing that I could say or do could make any difference. Repeating is for sillies. No, this is not how we learn. I know.

pic from https://cathymcclelland.com/

6 Oct 2020

Another day

 Another day

That doesn't make sense

I said: I don't agree,

Yet they keep on hittin'

The pain

I make it look invisible

So I can carry on


But those that see

Don't know what to think

They forgot they made theirs's invisible as well

In similar fashions.

Regardless for how long they keep doing this to me

I will never sell my love, sell my soul.

Yes, I believe in a life without pain [I learned my lessons, Pain has no lessons to Teach me, We just cohabitants of the same Nothing together, for a while,  I do not allow anyone else to learn through my eyes ~ unless we both consent & specifically Choose to do so!] ~ I know the way.

Of course I know the way.

They created this Nightmare so our eyes stay dead.

I do not agree.

With any link that DAILY Nightmares my Reality further. 

*deep sigh*

5 Oct 2020

Every day

 Every day when its expected of me to masturbate orgasm regardless of the keywords I feel like screaming hot tar and ripping my skin off to see whats bloody underneath but This selfexpression doesnt lead anywhere either Im not allowed to have a life a sexual life normal thoughts and dreams but they do this to me using others unknowingly participants in  a big nothing I swear The Big Nothing looks better undressed, dezbracat de straiele lumesti cum ii spuneam si fostului numai ca adaptat la Tot  care e Nimic oricum. My words hold no meaning and when they see they forget just as I don't remember either the most important parts of our discussions / just before I sleep, between sleep and waking consciousness, I only remember bits, and I can't do anything with them anyway. I need to heal not hurt myself further. What they want from me now only contributes to Hurting. I puke thoughts down my spine I despise all they chose for me ALL. Why did they do this from the nothing? They could've done ANYTHING. I want to die not feed this sickness anymore. And feeding the sickness seems the only reason why they still keep this shit up; I don't believe it's about anything to repair, really. When I feel shit like this, I never been wrong, I don't care if they hurt me when I say such thinks, I never liked kissing anyone's ass, We're not in this together, just leave me alone, all left for me to do is to die. And regardless of how that happens, if Ill reach old age or die in my sleep tonight, I don't want to participate in anything until then. Everything wasted, no choice, No choice, really, my choice is to be left alone, and die. Keep up with the nothing covered in pretty Useful things? No, thanks. I will keep on living my life as I did until now. In vain, used, misunderstood. No change regardless of what I did. No, me masturbating and having orgasms doesnt seem to lead anywhere. I am not in a relationship with anyone who would want such things from me. The mental images with the triggers disturb me. I HATE THE PORN IMAGES WITH eating pussy whatever man I never liked I never wanted they crafter my mind so they can see through mine SOMETHING. WHYYYYYYYYY I despise all that, it's disgusting, feeling the breath of STUPID MAN in my spine. I didn't make him this way, I always knew how to LOVE. But to be condemned because I refuse something? WHY? If I don't want to love YOU, why is it my fault? <<<<<<<>>>>>>> It's not. All this is something worse than death, death is like a warm blanket hug and not because of 'escapism' but because it's Truth. I HATE the[this] world ( Stop crawling ~ You'll never see what that means, a hate so pure, you cannot bottle that - ever) I LOVE The Nothing (The only Pure !!!thing!!! in context ~ ). Looking forward for the day when I will be allowed to truly show my appreciation. Until then, nothing :) 

I swear, if this whole shit made any difference, I wouldn't be feeling this way and I would participate more willingly. It didn't I always knew It won't and despite that I still tried and the 'doing' against myself ( A concept that is outside of normal definitions <known> of Self ) is just... Poison. Self poison = worse than any other poison. For ppl like me, anyway. And you still want me to do more why? It's always the same. Their theories didn't prove anything of importance. Ever. I somehow knew before, that's why I was always so grumpy with wasting time. I want to waste time on my own with no guidance from anyone. Poor time, To Be Valued and twisted like this. I have no words left to say, puke puke puke.

3 Oct 2020


 I have been in much too much pain lately and I don't feel like writing. I need some days off ~ all I hear is 'No', this makes all pain worse. Please, leave me alone, this is ridiculous beyond measure. 

I don't get the break I requested, yet nothing changes for the better, all I do is in vain, so? What am I waiting for? The triggers are just as bad anyway, the failed experiments humiliating as ever. 'DO you even know who I am?' ~ How dare you.... 

The internet wouldn't exist without me. Do you realize what this means? Please, let me get a break. I need to HEAL from the SEVERE trauma I've been subjected to. I can find my way, but I'm constantly H(a)UNTED! Every day I masturbate and get orgasms FOR WHAT? This is so humiliating and in vain and against most of the things that I stand for. I am drowning in 'Anti-Love Energy' ~