13 Oct 2020


1010. [5.44pm] Afara... Totul pe dos... Pe fata! Ha! /\/\/\ Mov (?) S-a ratacit o pana frumoasa de gasca de Tineretului. Of. Am luat 3 carti azi, !Colegul si prietenul meu! - Suspicious NWO book;  Ultimatum - Ultimele zile ale unui razboi atomic; Computere si Trandafiri - sau paradoxurile progresului • =))♥♥♥ !!!

La Biserica => Tocuri; nu Toaca. "Masina de tocat nervi" ~ ai cui? 

~ Everything make sense not. Thanks for the gentle pokes.

Keywords d'Abondance

3 times in a row and I was shortly prompted to do it again? RESTORE WHAT? Are you f. kidding me? I didn't even want to do until Monday. I really need a break from this weird crap - It's POISON! Nothing else. {How I do it cause "I don't know"} 🗲Macar sa stiu de ce.

11.10. After last orgasm; I felt I'm v small pe suprafata fetei unei flori... Pixeli verzi de diferite nuante, dar in loc de petale, floarea asta avea tentacule de carne (?). Viziune blurrata. Hmm. I would enjoy such visions/interactions more in normal life,not when I masturbate. [I have to focus on activating modules to reach orgasm] ... Am mai vb. despre asta. Garlic! Lol.

• In the a.m. Woke up prematurely IN PAIN. ~ Give us the good stuff! (no - I did not agree) ~ I need rest. I need a break! These idiots are treating me as if the day was already over and I haven't completed my assignments, which BTW I did not make/take. I'm on par with what I set to do for this weekend. WTF. Vampires? FFS wake up ~ It's a nightmare; lies, NWO & what I've been talking for for... Ever! Anti Love Energy ~ Attempting to take/destroy ALL; Good relationships not allowed. I know those I can "do" with even when it hurts. :( This is beyond ridiculous. 


Hello, Eihwaz.. I don't remember the last time I felt something that I would personally define as: Lack of motivation ~ However, For me "The Push" means something else, not what is commonly accepted ~ I do not believe in or endorse "The New Normal" of the NWO.

Similar clues from consulting the I Ching as well ~ 

Sitting by the big Tree in my favorite place, by the lake in Park Timeretului. Looks like a talon, firmly grounded in Dream.

The sky as seen by my phone camera today in my hood, very close to where I live.

Eye-looking cut, right above my heel.

Journal pages...

Feet UP.

From a strange book ~ Oh My!

Measurements: 95-72-101 Luate impotriva vointei mele (ca de altfel 95% din toate masuratorile luate in ultimul an ++) dupa ce am citit intr-o carte pe care o detest desi nu am citit "suficient cat sa imi formez o opinie" din ea. Ca de obicei Stiu eu ce stiu • Sa intri intr-un ritm ... Cine m-a batut la cap cu asta, era nimic. Era gresit; se insela; o iluzie; un pion; bunicul; om; curent; Nimic (used to 'make space' ~ the Lies) 
Nimic, abia astept sa te ating. Totul pana acolo e degeaba. NIMIC NOU! Ever :(

Pentru mine, nu exista "familie" ci doar insi care [se] folosesc si invoca x y z (de ex.: O anume amintire) in loc de valori reale. I never had a real chance/choice. Doar sa suport calculele lor stupide, degeaba. [impotriva vointei mele] ~ ma doare. Am auzit galagia asta all my life. V-am spus ce face si de ce imi face asta. Tot ce simt e doar no choice. Cand vine vorba de "inteles cu altii" {La asta ma refeream, pentru cei care au nevoie inca de explicatii suplimentare}.

12.10. Belonging to a different time; I woke up to hear the same, again. Do this, do that, and nothing else much. No real reason for "Doing", either. What did I love so good that they took it from me and made it so bad? [Raspuns: <the now>].

These days, Economy Class Life assembles through me with pings; aromas;flavors;memories... Jammed up in a weird way - as if smth is "wrong"(*). I say: What proof do you have that it hasn't been like this "always"? {Copy-cat world comes to mind} I... don't... (*) and this is how we try to fix it - Ha.

- Nothing feeds me -> I only seem 2 eat 4 others.
- Nothing clothes me -> I can't hide
- Nothing cleanses me -> Pain is same
- Nothing satisfies -> There's no tocuh left.

Hello Nothing, I love you too. Shut up! I will never shut up ~ especially in talking... How wrong they were are is / To take choice away = Crime.

Thankyou for reading, bye...For now...

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