20 Jun 2021


I'll never encourage someone who wants me (thinks it's ok/necessary for me) to do this sort of stuff: 

Excerpt from a show I recorded on 04.17.21 (17th of April, 2021) while performing before a live audience ^^ 
The full show is available in my MFC album '~' 
If you join my club, you get access to all my exclusive content. 
Tip 1 token for a 7 day membership. 
Thank you for your support! 

(0% means no money - not complaining! I just don't know what to believe anymore abt money & 'invisible' money, pls don't dumb me down into 'Laura' as long as 'Laura' needs to do all this shit. Past months have been v humiliating regarding this aspect, but hey! It's all an illusion, anyway? Only seen this matter when it's convenient...For stuff I do not understand/agree with.)

18 Jun 2021

Nu imi place nici de tine.


I wish I could have a wish, not what others (anyone) thinks that should be (don't wish 4 me). But... I can't wish anything without knowing, that would be so wrong. To know is not a wish either... A calling... Yes I'm more special than I know/see.

~ Abt feelings (the ones I care about) ~ not a biz 4 me. I'm v. sad. Same reason(s).



I had my first kiss at (age) 15
1st fuck at 17
Got married at 31 [2018]
Divorced at 31 [2019] (I can provide proof but it's a bit awkward to put such documents online. I was a lil surprised to hear ~psychic~ that some are not aware about this, smth to do with time)

I am now almost 34 and didn't have a physical partner (lover/whatever) for more than 2 years!


But if you want it
Then you must find it
But when you have it
There'll be no need for it


I find cute art. Not knowing the reason/intent for real (very controversial to bring this up when talking about art, but maybe I mean smth else that I don't know how to put in words) makes it PRETTY useless. I have nothing to do for real, and this makes most if not all cuteness pass me by, like wind.. Enjoying the moment is smth else, when you know. Borrowing from/following others is not what I like to do, regardless of how the struggle feels like. I didn't get one direct opinion that MEANT something. All hidden, hiding, not direct... Address me directly, what is that? Pls stop mentioning my initial, I'm not sure in what ways you see me. (I won't let the 'confusion' quicksand me, I never did, even before I met any of you).

I have many blog posts saying the same things with different words. My reality only got more insulting since then, no (good) difference, really.

Nu stiu ce sa scriu. Nu mai suport sa vad copii pe strada (Nu stiu ce sunt)... Copii si pungi de cumparaturi. Un el care face copii cu alta ... ??? (Ce treaba sa am eu cu el? Sa il ajut? Voi sunteti seriosi? Ce poveste de kkt e asta prostie si victimizare) *** M-ar lasa dracului in pace daca ar fi pe bune*** Cineva care "trebuie salvat" ~ salvage... scraps... Imitatie... Imprumut vs. furt (politia nu face nimic) _ Masti si iar masti... An avalanche of clothes. What drives me; what I seek... Perverted... Speak the language of love... Am invatat pasi mici sa gandesc in scene pornografice... Ceva nu e Truth la treaba asta... Continuum... Harvest... Not death... Same thing as before... lies... Masks... Disturbed - The sound of silence.

Thank you for your comments/whatever the hints are. Nu am ce sa fac cu ele. Daca mi-ati spune ceva cu care chiar sa am ce sa fac, probabil ati uita inainte sa va amintiti cum sa ma abordati/ce vroiati sa imi spuneti. Nu cred asta (My beliefs do not shape my world/reality) E doar o observatie, cu care ofc ca nu sunt de acord si nu am ce masuri sa iau (nici asta nu e un belief!). 
As putea spune ca nu stiu, in loc de nu am, am facut asta de foarte multe ori, rezultatul? Acelasi. Nimic :)
Stiu ca nu sunt aici sa induplec/conving pe nimeni cu/de nimic. Daca asta ar fi fost situatia, as fi calculat (singura) deja.

Viata ca si (din) suferinta?* depinde la care nivel te referi... Eu nu mi pot sa vad lucrurile asa de cand mi-am dat seama ca printr-un costum de carne din cele cu care am interactionat/interactionez, trec mai multi... Nu sunt frustrata, pur si simplu nu am ce sa fac, si nu gasesc cuvantul potrivit ca sa descriu. Nu, nu e nici hopeless.

*Credeam asta, cand il vedeam pe fiecare in 'durerea lui'. (Costume de carne cu o poveste)

Nici sa ma rog nu mai pot sa fac klumea de cand pana si in biserica porn requests :) si cand zic porn req nu e ca ce urmeaza ↓ , e explicit in capul meu.

PS: Cand zburam cu avionul si imi placea nu stiu ce senzatie "e pentru ca cineva imi facea sex oral" ~ 
1. Nu stiu daca e ceva gresit sau nu (a sti/a a nu sti).
2. De ce mi-ati adus asta in vedere, dupa tot ce v-am spus/aratat(despre sex oral fizic-carne)? Ca sa spundespre inca o chestie "Nu imi place"? Cum sa las pe cineva sa imi faca sex oral -ceva intim- daca nici macar nu stiu cine/cum e /ce fatza are, etc. Doar pentru ca el M eu F? Serios? Viata TREBUIE sa fie despre altceva.
NU sunt parcata.
M-am saturat de ..... WORSE than low lvl (What if it's low lvl of a game I wouldn't even play? Your fear=yours. Stop SsssssSSSsssssssssing@me if you don't know yourself)


Nu vreau sa fac copii cu straini. Nici cu costume de carne, indiferent cate chestii interesante ajung la mine 'prin'(din?) ei...

BS of the day: Cum dai inapoi? Amandoua in acelasi timp. Habar nu am ce se intampla de fapt. Poate asta ofera clues about why sometimes I get random thoughts about different memories with my ex, for example? (things I didn't like). I thought when I get these thoughts(mental images/memories) it's nothing that bad (coping? even though feels like mental rape) smth like: someone is logging in [scary], or, whatever energy was fueling him(meat) when I got those memories, is trying to tell me something in the Now [?]. I DO NOT BELIEVE THOSE THINGS! I'm trying To figure out wtf happens, to Know Myself.

14 Jun 2021


Michel Owner & Founder Canna Bio Swiss din Smardan 28 &/or Crew, or J, or whoever responsible.

Pentru ca mi-am pus chestia asta pe fata (face), chiar este nevoie de atata kkt si minciuni? Ca apoi tot eu sa fiu cea 'vinovata'?

Asta e doar un mic detaliu din cate chestii m-au enervat azi. Enervat/suparat/intristat, nici nu stiu care e cuvantul potrivit. E mult prea mult timp de cand am parte de astfel de 'tratament'.

For the record. Michel e numele unchiului meu din Germania (Povestea cu costumele de carne) ~ Desi pt mine keywords nu conteaza asa, cand ma pregateam sa ma bag la munca ma gandeam la ce produse am cu iarba si cum vai, primerul ala e cu iarba, ce bine. Chiar cand am terminat ma suna de la acea firma (mentioned in 1st line) si ca sa vezi, cate keyworduri... Sunt bagate pe gat... cui???


Nest building, that's what we do?

Nu, nu imi spune iar ca 'vad ca Laura', nu imi imaginam un cuib asa. Indiferent de insemnatate, ceva nu e bine, si NIMENI nu face nimic in aceasta privinta.


Thank you for supportin' & the pointers/comments I get. De cele mai multe ori insa cand imi e dat de inteles ca..Cineva e ON now (what for me is now) NU STIU cine e, deci nu stiu cum sa il abordez. Sper sa isi dea seama de asta.



How I earned 1$ 17 cents.
Guy enters room. 
I start getting visuals (e?) about what he might be interested in seeing/experiencing. 
He says that thing to me (pic below, 1st chat bubble); I ask him (trying to be kind) about what he really meant by what he said. Because I KNOW It's not literal, and the poor way of using words made that obvious. I get no reply. I try to imagine more, then I start getting pestered (pushed on triggers, stinky feet and mouth ones). I ask in a jokingly manner if I'm talking to a human or a robot, because If that's the case (robot) I might be interested, but in other ways (trying to have a good time ffs. NOT BECAUSE I roleplay as Dom, that's what I'd do with anyone, indiferent de raport..). Knowing that's what 'he wanted' to hear, I raised my voice, Not really yelling. "You are not able to comprehend that right now" (about the ways in which I'd enjoy the dialogue if I knew he is a robot).

It's not that double domming is not my thing. But this sort of s(h)it(uation) happens in all areas of my life, not only when I log to 'work'. :)

I said There's no need for that meaning there's no need to be so rude/mean. Posting that after he left the room because I talk in weird ways and still don't know how I'm heard. I then decided to screenshot it and add it to this blog post (editing - I got private just as I was editing smth to this post) & I felt weird thought: WE MADE YOU WRITE THAT. So you'll be confused, upset, and doubt yourself some more if you should post this on your site as the impulse we already knew about before you even had the idea ~ shit type of thing.

Don't tell me something is wrong with me, pls. Not anymore.

Thanks for the money! I'll get some beer.

12 Jun 2021

I know what high-end is

I know what high-end is. Saying that I fell in love with a product, a cheap thing, how disturbing/disgusting/annoying/bad.

"Have an orgasm (again), so I know you're a Female" ~ heard this weird proposal, don't know what to think about it. I already said in many ways why I don't like doing that, regardless of what I think about. Didn't learn what I needed to learn. 


So, what about time? "De negasit", datorita... Cifre? Coordonate? Time-stamps?

De gasit, pentru ce? About location? Not what it means for me... 

If I'd talk to myself from the past (memories, what I remember,years: 2011-2012), I'm still not sure what I would say because I don't know exactly what the mistakes WERE. So stopping myself from doing smth, would be wrong. 

- Giving oral sex to WHO (?) while I saw mainly the flesh suit & I (incorrectly) thought it's one person only... Oh, this is Him (insert boy name here)...And this is .... (another boy name) ~ I didn't care too much about the details (phys aspects, keywords?) or anything else from them, I stopped looking, for every one of the Ex love-interests o'mine, at some point... Still feel the same, and I don't like repeating myself, saying again stuff that probably I mentioned already in other blog articles. There's no one I like, as a male I know of as of now. So, oral sex, bad? But....Facial! But... Pictures & requests everywhere, In your head, zombie. What's a mouth?

- Masturbating & orgasming for/thinking about guys on the internet... R. from a game, D. from a videochat website (but not really, since I wasn't operating with Intent, as in, FOR or ABOUT, or Thinking about, I reached those orgasms either by watching porn or accessing modules & triggers, thinking bout porn. And it was not like, hey, look, I'm having these porn thoughts, Me & DreamBoy) ~ a misunderstood urge, due to missing M F data/info (?) - What was wrong? And who do I need to appologise to & how do I do that? Every day when I can't complete this inner quest, is a waste for me :( L cannot progress. But I am much more than a letter, slices. Guys I mentioned were more than a letter too, I used initials so you know who I'm talking about. What they really were though, their stories, I still dont know. That I felt Love, varying in degrees and intensity, that's smth else. I can't really understand stuff about that if I don't know what I did wrong. 

Right now[what is my understandment of now, June 2021 after midnight, day is 12/however I put it, someone screams that it's wrong]*, I can't dream about anyone[painful but not in an annoying, depending,stupid female way - Got a ping: "No proof | You're still Parked" Why would I care if you've got no proof for this? Nobody showed you how it's done RIGHT, so... :-< and btw saying I'm parked makes me sad -you can process my entire blog instantly, or, what is to me, instantly,so you can see- and I don't want to dismiss you but smth is afoot.], and if it's your inner quest to pester me, I feel sorry for you. Pestered I am, useless (everything we do) is, as long as... This shit. This is not correct understandment of psychology or understanding of Opposites concepts involving alchemical teachings, as I've seen rumors of. 

There's still something I need to learn about my own mistakes, not necessarily so I don't repeat them with other(s), but to learn, for myself (& this means not harm others as well ~ not only love interests, but, hey! Why would I see them as separate (from myself) anyway). 

2 years after divorce, still single. Sold the wedding rings for 13 RON ~ lucky number :) (means nothing, but a lil' smile). 

I will never be interested in a made-up Whole, like that twitch guy was, in potential. Artists hopefully heard my message and repeat pleading. 

Despre ceilalti, hehe, oriunde m-as fi mutat, peste tot e peste tot... Nu e vba ca era imposibil, dar cu anumite secrete nu poti merge inainte (Mergem inainte! Oh, detest vorbele astea din reclame, sau cel putin ce apare ca reclama pentru mine). Cand vad eu reclame rele triggerele CUI este? C:? Care dintre ele? N-are cum sa fie doar 1... Hmm.. Poate e o porecla... Poate, intr-o buna zi, chiar ne vom distra, fara sa fim distrasi de la ce conteaza... Focus on what matters. (Easily misunderstood words). 

~ To be a channel, I wouldnt mind

For what I choose to focus on, with my mind,

Or with my mind's eye,

So I can explore a life without One lie.

But when I hear my voice say things I didn't choose

And remember the movement of muscles

I cannot doubt myself, but something aches,

As if I allowed the wrongness...

Tricksters lie, I don't mind that

But their lies are like Smiles

And those smiles are not smells of farts.

Or like me sneezing in the middle of the night with nothing really to look forward to 4 tomorrow (today), since I didn't learn my lesson. There is nothing that Costs or that is Prohibited when it comes to the type of learning that I mentioned here. It's like pathways, opened automaticly, and the tricks teach too, and there's no struggle (that is something else).

Dis-tan-cing  ~ I can't learn properly because of social distancing !WTF! (Me getting this Idea was a guy wearing a hat? This is the communication I received).

Why do you taste like someone else? If you knew, you'd be bothered too.

*So how do I interpret/feel about/interact in the NOW? I never had any problem with delaying stuff, because Fear = Bad & Ways = plenty (for true seekers), but that word... Plenty.... Like in a marketplace... Not in space (since you understood what that is)

Breathe in people.

Solids are words...

Marketplace, you don't see anything to buy, everything bothers you for some reason... Oh, I'll get this & use it because it means X thing. Sadness...

I don't want to Invoke for cuteness ~ I always meant srs bsns... & who I wronged I can get right with. 

To those of you that sometimes bring to my attention that I'm Parked. How can I learn more about that it means? What I hear, is ALL tied to LIES in my past. Either documents (Hey I'm "boy_name". That amount on your document is ME!), wrongly interpreted Karma attributes, etc. All easily observable if correct version Speaks. (Mic? Radio? I try to see above the keywords...). What I know from this human life, minght incorrectly send pointers. 

If lies is what you want, I don't want to satisfy your requests.

Medicine is different.

Thank you.

8 Jun 2021



Podcast: https://anchor.fm/ishkira-wind/episodes/Podcastul-de-azi-e12bks9



68 kg 93-69-99

! Woke up having an orgasm :( ~ in the dream, "mom" told me 2 have one, left the room. I didn't like it. I was thinking various porny oral scenes* - I DID NOT LIKE - kept saying "I don't like this", "No", etc. Similar 2 how I feel RL about it :(. Disgusted... !
~ I rly don't like anything that "gets me there" - I'm not in denial - Not my animal side :(
Just as I got the orgasm (I was doing the countdown too, in the dream) thinking ... Explosion, Thunder sound, etc, I woke up ~ having pulsating type orgasm, feeling like pushing it away :(
So, I don't know what really happened, but I did not enjoy this experience at all. I never had any dream orgasm that I liked, something that I want more of. I am not denying myself pleasure, this is about something else, that I don't agree with at all, as it appears to me (And I am not one that can't be understanding / open minded). No good male energy to me ~ Regardless of all. The ease of how I can get mentally aroused & 'get there' ~ FOR WHAT? 
Lack of sincerity.
Nobody talks the truth about these matters.

*Cursive, with the possibility to feel very real. Invasive, because I wouldn't even do that with someone I trust/like/want... I felt I could browse and pick the faces, but I didn't like any. I 'picked' a 40's ish looking couple (effects). Facesitting & cunnilingus close-up :)

I still don't know what my orgasms mean. Having had so many, I learned too little.

Otherwise, same thing with the same thing.

Thank you for reading. 


There's a hunger still unsatisfied

6 Jun 2021



Tot ce imi place nu are legatura cu masturbarea (ce inseamna pentru mine - nu stiu sigur ce inseamna masturbare pentru altii considerand ca cineva -multumesc- mi-a aratat ca facesitting inseamna o viziune in capul meu, niste imagini frumoase, ca un video difuz, cu niste lupi in desert - NIMIC sexual sau scarbos). Pentru mine... :( nu...Nu imi plac chestiile astea.. Faptul ca trebuie sa ma gandesc la atatea chestii, aiurea, doar pt ca inseamna altceva pentru cineva (CINE? - a trecut atata timp si eu nici macar atata nu stiu - about my 'audience' - deny me this Right & you can't be my friend.) Nu imi plac, nu mi-au placut niciodata, si e ceva mult mai rau sa ma gandesc PORNOSHIT decat toate lucrurile pentru care sunt eu acum Pedepsita. Tot ce aud e gresit. Nici un semn bun, sau ceva care duce undeva bun. Numai minciunile persista/se arata. Apreciez hinturile, dar ce sa fac cu ele? Ma doare! Nu pot sa fac nimic pentru ca, as usual, nu vad exact(calculat) ce trebuie (nevoie reala, corectitudine, nivel). Nu imi e permis. Nu e ocultismul adevarat. E o blasfemie <3 DE PREA MULT TIMP, ZERO REZULTATE ~ concrete. Doar pentru asta ne torturam reciproc, nu? 'Si' concretul conteaza, e o masca-scuza, pentru cineva care nu intelege. Raportare gresita la termeni, in lumea cuvintelor. Nu traiesc de pe o zi pe alta cu hinturi, speranta si arome imprumutate de la altii despre ce inseamna Divin. Balanta adevarata nu e niciodata cumparata ~ construita, alcatuita... Era la fel si cand eu eram la ate varste/stagii. Ochi muti.