21 Jan 2021

Nu mai vreau


Poze facute azi dimineata din bucatarie.


Din jurnal: 

When the music's over (x3)
Turn out the lights (x3)
For the music is your special friend
Dance on fire as it intends
Music is your only friend
Until the end (x3)
(The Doors)

Fragmente din vis: Eyes closed, could hear smth, like a song, that was interpreted as my voice. I struggled to speak over it, I could hear my own voice, and the song stopped.  
I was telling to a spooky pig dude... You have (contain) something that feeds me... And I started moving my arms and hands, as if dancing. The rest of my body was still... Nu, nu te vampirizez... Si i-am spus... Asa cum eu nu am mancat niciodata, tu nu te-ai futut niciodata, that's why you only sound as CORRECT/INCORRECT when we speak. 
Part of a machinery, smth intricate, moving very fast, something related to Clocks. They do that but dream of v. interesting (to me) things; how we communicate. Their brain & digestive systems, compared to what I know about mine - inversed. Ciudat. Nu stiu ce inseamna. Si nici ce inseamna "online" pentru ei, cumva dependent de anumite actiuni ale mele, in viata (mea) reala. [HAHAHA]. - Thanks for showing me that! I'm same... Sad... SAD... Nothing )rly) exciting anymore, incentive to do stuff = null. I'm not depressed! Doar ca nu am ce sa fac. Nimeni nu face nimic, dar nu asta e motivul :).

Am tot vorbit despre asta si nu imi place sa ma repet.

Totul e degeaba si tot e fac(em) se concretizeaza in chestii rele si cacat. Sau in cel mai bun caz degeaba. Bun - rau, ha? 

Ramai cu bine, oricum nu stiu cine esti.


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